Bug was introduced when working on the RSE paths. I have fixed it and this fixes...
[phpeclipse.git] / archive / net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.wiki / plugin.properties
1 MediaWiki.download.label=Wikipedia Download
2 MediaWiki.upload.label=Wikipedia Upload
3 MediaWiki.label=Wikipedia
4 BlogWiki.label=Blog as Wiki Text
5 BlogHTML.label=Blog as HTML Text
6 HTTPQuery.label=HTTP Query
8 newWizardCategory.name=Wikipedia
9 newWizardProject.name=Wikipedia Project
11 # --------------- General UI ---------------
12 preferenceDescription=Configure HTTP Actions for your Wiki texts.
13 configurationsList=Configurations
14 columnName=Name
15 columnUser=User Name
16 columnURL=URL
17 columnType=Type
18 columnStatus=Active
19 add=Add...
20 edit=Edit...
21 remove=Remove
22 start=Activate
23 stop=Deactivate
24 started=True
25 stopped=False
27 newConfig=New Configuration
28 editConfig=Edit Configuration
30 name=Name:
31 user=User:
32 configGroup=Configuration
33 url=URL:
34 password=Password:
35 parseType=Type:
36 scrambledPassword=Saved passwords are stored on your computer in a file that's difficult, but not impossible, for an intruder to read.