Updating syntax.xml to attempt fix issues reported in ticket #761
[phpeclipse.git] / net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.externaltools / plugin.xml
2007-09-24 pombredanneCleaning up the supported files extensions, need more...
2007-07-23 toshihiroFixed: Avoid warning on Europa.
2006-10-17 pombredanneBug 579207: Upgrade all manifest to OSGI style and 3.2
2006-06-11 axelclSet version 1.1.9
2006-04-08 dynamike2000* Updating plugin.xml file to Version 1.1.8 as preparat...
2006-02-05 bananeweizensplit external tools preferences into multiple pages
2005-08-03 stefanbjarniInclude icons in feature build.
2005-07-10 axelclCleaner user interface
2005-07-03 stefanbjarniBumped versions to 1.1.6.
2005-06-30 stefanbjarniSmall fix to tidy up the run menu. Axel will likely...
2005-06-11 axelclAll prefs for xampp administrated in external tools...
2005-06-05 axelclCreated a separated 'externaltools' plugin: initial...