Fixed: 1493208 - Linked resources break code assist / includes
[phpeclipse.git] / archive / / plugin.xml
2005-02-20 axelclget category
2005-02-11 axelcl* added iText jar for pdf support
2005-01-31 axelclRefreshJob loads max 10 articles at a time; there's...
2005-01-22 axelclUpload / Download actions now only available through...
2005-01-19 axelclUpload/Download of multiple files now possible
2005-01-08 axelclImplemeted action for uploading Wikipedia articles...
2005-01-06 axelclBetter event handling for browser preview refreshs
2004-12-22 axelclRefresh Wiki Editor Text from MySQL via JDBC interface
2004-12-22 axelclImproved Templates i.e.
2004-12-16 axelclmisc
2004-12-15 axelclAdd predefined Velocity and CSS template if wiki builde...
2004-12-11 axelclintegrated velocity engine for URL templates
2004-12-11 axelclMoved Google and Koders Search to the wiki plugin
2004-12-08 axelclinitial contribution