X-Git-Url: http://secure.phpeclipse.com

diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.tests/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/tests/parser/PHPParserTestCase.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.tests/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/tests/parser/PHPParserTestCase.java
index d7759ea..eb0e083 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.tests/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/tests/parser/PHPParserTestCase.java
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.tests/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/tests/parser/PHPParserTestCase.java
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.tests.parser;
  * distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
  * Tests the php parser
@@ -20,7 +19,224 @@ public class PHPParserTestCase extends AbstractCompilerTest {
    * Test the PHP Parser with different PHP snippets
   public void testPHPParser() {
-    checkHTML("<?php echo $bgcolor2?>");
+    checkPHP("$test=\"{4IP}/{$include}\";");
+    checkPHP("$this->mRegex = \"/{$this->mBaseRegex}/{$case}\";");
+    checkPHP("$schema_create .= \" DEFAULT \'$row[Default]\'\";");
+    checkPHP("$stringVar=\"ein normaler $varText\";");
+    checkPHP("$stringVar=\'ein normaler $varText\';");
+    checkPHP("switch ($aItem[ELM_NAME]) {\r\n" +  
+    		"                case \'channel\':\r\n" + 
+    		"                    $this->readChannel($aItem);\r\n" + 
+    		"                    break;\r\n" + 
+    		"                case \'item\':\r\n" + 
+    		"                    $this->readItem($aItem);\r\n" + 
+    		"                    break;\r\n" + 
+    		"                default:\r\n" + 
+    		"                    //printr($aItem);\r\n" + 
+    		"            }");
+    checkPHP("try {echo $Stream->readAll(); } catch (Exception $e) {\r\n" + 
+    		"            // Swallow exception\r\n" + 
+    		"        }");
+    checkHTML("<?php\n"+
+            "	  function overLib($path = \"\") {\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"	  	if (strlen($path)) $this->ol_path = $path;\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"?>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"<nolink rel=\'stylesheet\' href=<?php echo \"\'$this->ol_path/overlib.css\' \"; ?> \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"      type=\'text/css\'>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"<div id=\'overDiv\' style=\'position:absolute; visibility:hide; z-index: 1000;\'>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"</div>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"<script language=\'javascript\' src=<?php echo \"\'$this->ol_path/overlib.js\'\"; ?>>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"</script>\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"<?php\n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"	  } \n"+
+    		"?>");
+    checkPHP("$t = \') {$ya[]=\'.$this->iFunc.\';$xa[]=\'.$this->iXFunc.\';}\';");
+    checkPHP("$output .=  \n" + 
+    		"            \"\\$_smarty_tpl_vars = \\$this->_tpl_vars;\\n\" . \n" + 
+    		"            \"\\$this->_smarty_include(\".$include_file.\", array(\".implode(\',\', (array)$arg_list).\"));\\n\" .\n" + 
+    		"            \"\\$this->_tpl_vars = \\$_smarty_tpl_vars;\\n\" .\n" + 
+    		"            \"unset(\\$_smarty_tpl_vars);\\n\";");
+    checkPHP("$test=\"=$post_id#$post_id\"");   
+    checkPHP("$comments .= \"        \\${$attrname}[\'xmlns\'] = \'{$this->namespaces[$_argtype[\'namespace\']]}\';\\n\";");
+    checkPHP("$this->_raiseSoapFault(\"method \'{{$this->method_namespace}}$this->methodname\' not defined in service\",\'\',\'\',\'Server\');");
+//    checkPHP("$emailer->assign_vars(array(\r\n" + 
+//    		" \'U_TOPIC\' => $server_protocol .  POST_POST_URL . \"=$post_id#$post_id\",\r\n" + 
+//    		"                                                        \'U_STOP_WATCHING_TOPIC\' => $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . \'&\' . POST_TOPIC_URL . \"=$topic_id&unwatch=topic\")\r\n" + 
+//    		"                                                );");
+    checkPHP("$_compile_data = \'<?php $_config_vars = unserialize(\\\'\' . str_replace(\'\\\'\',\'\\\\\\\'\', serialize($_config_vars)) . \'\\\'); return true; ?>\';");
+    checkPHP("$output = \'<?php \';");
+    checkPHP("$key_part = \'\';");
+    checkPHP("if (isset($_REQUEST[\"xsize\"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST[\"xsize\"])) {$sxsize=$_REQUEST[\"xsize\"];}");
+    checkPHP("$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace(\'%%%SMARTYSP\'.$curr_sp.\'%%%\', \'<?php echo \\\'\'.str_replace(\"\'\", \"\\\'\", $sp_match[1][$curr_sp]).\'\\\'; ?>\'.\"\\n\", $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);");
+    checkPHP("$repl.=\"<a href=\\\\\\\"javascript:param=doo_${word}_$i();replaceLimon(param);\\\\\\\">$sug</a><br/>\";");
+    checkPHP("$heading=\'<div class=\"blogtitle\">{tr}Blog{/tr}: {$title}</div>\'.\"\\n\";");
+    checkPHP("return SOAP_Base_Object::_raiseSoapFault(\"No Transport for {$urlparts[\'scheme\']}\");");
+    checkPHP("$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace(\'%%%SMARTYSP\'.$curr_sp.\'%%%\', \'<?php echo \\\'\'.str_replace(\"\'\", \"\\\'\", $sp_match[1][$curr_sp]).\'\\\'; ?>\'.\"\\n\", $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);");
+    checkPHP("$output = \'<?php \';\n"+
+             "$section_name = $attrs['name'];");
+    checkPHP("echo\"<center><a href=\\\"banners.php?op=click&amp;bid=$bid\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img src=\\\"$imageurl\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" alt=\'$alttext\' title=\'$alttext\'></a></center>\";\r\n" + 
+    		"    ");
+    checkPHP("$aid = \"$admin[0]\";");
+    checkPHP("$headers = '';");
+    checkPHP("do {$array[] = array(\"$myrow[uid]\" => \"$myrow[uname]\"); } while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));");
+    checkPHP("\"\\\"\";");
+    checkPHP(" print \"$value\"; \n");
+    checkPHP("if ($shape instanceof Rectangle) { \n" + 
+		"    print \'$shape is a Rectangle\'; \n" + 
+		"} ");
+    checkPHP("$test=\"values(\'$user\',\'${res[\"name\"]}\'  \";");
+    checkPHP("$this->raiseError(\"The auth mode: $mode isn\'t implemented\");");
+    checkPHP("\'<img src=\"\'");
+    checkPHP("$test=\"values(\'$user\',\'${res[\"name\"]}\',\'${res[\"position\"]}\',\'${res[\"ord\"]}\',\'${res[\"type\"]}\',\'${res[\"title\"]}\',\'${res[\"cache_time\"]}\',\'${res[\"rows\"]}\',\'${res[\"groups\"]}\',\'${res[\"params\"]}\')\";");
+    checkPHP("class tiki_phpOpenTracker extends TikiLib, phpOpenTracker { }");
+    checkPHP("$template_source = $prefilter[0]($template_source, $this);");
+    checkPHP("$keyval[] = $this->{$this->_keycolumn[$i]};");
+    checkPHP("$this->_reg_objects[$object] =\n" +
+        "     array(&$object_impl, $allowed, $smarty_args);");
+    checkPHP("echo <<< EOF\n" + 
+		"        <table border=\'1\'><tr><td>\n" + 
+		"EOF;");
+    checkPHP("interface Shape { \n" + 
+		"    function draw(); \n" + 
+		"} \n" + 
+		"\n" + 
+		"class Rectangle implements Shape { \n" + 
+		"    function draw() { \n" + 
+		"        print \"Drawing a rectangle\"; \n" + 
+		"    } \n" + 
+		"}");
+    checkPHP("class MyClass { \n" + 
+    		"    private $priv; \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"    public function getVar() { \n" + 
+    		"        return $this->priv; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} ");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    function __construct() { \n" + 
+    		"        print \"Test	 constructor\"; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    function __destruct() { \n" + 
+    		"        print \"Destroying Test object\"; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    final function doNotOverload() { \n" + 
+    		"        return __CLASS__; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("final class Test { \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"class DoNotInherit extends Test { \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    function __clone() { \n" + 
+    		"        print \"Clone test object\"; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"$test = new Test(); \n" + 
+    		"clone $test; ");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    const SEMICOLON = \";\"; \n" + 
+    		"    const QUESTIONMARK = \"?\"; \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"print Test::SEMICOLON; ");
+    checkPHP("class Singleton { \n" + 
+    		"    static $instance = NULL; \n" + 
+    		"    function getInstance() { \n" + 
+    		"        if ($this->instance == NULL) { \n" + 
+    		"            $this->instance = new Singleton(); \n" + 
+    		"        } \n" + 
+    		"        return $this->instance; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} ");
+    checkPHP("class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    static function helloWorld() { \n" + 
+    		"        print \"Hello, world\"; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"Test::helloWorld();");
+    checkPHP("abstract class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    function draw() { \n" + 
+    		"        print \"Inside draw()\"; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} ");
+    checkPHP("abstract class Test { \n" + 
+    		"    abstract function draw(); \n" + 
+    		"} ");
+    checkPHP("function f1(Test $test) { \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("$test->m1()->m2(); ");
+    checkPHP("$test = new IteratorImpl(); \n" + 
+    		"foreach ($test as $value) { \n" + 
+    		"    print \"$value\"; \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("function __autoload($clazz) { \n" + 
+    		"    include_once($clazz . \"php\"); \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"$obj  = new Test1(); \n" + 
+    		"$obj2 = new Test2(); ");
+    checkPHP("class SQLException extends Exception { \n" + 
+    		"    public $problem; \n" + 
+    		"    function __construct($problem) { \n" + 
+    		"        $this->problem = $problem; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"} \n" + 
+    		"\n" + 
+    		"try { \n" + 
+    		"    throw new SQLException(\"Couldn&#8217;t connect to database\"); \n" + 
+    		"} catch (SQLException $e) { \n" + 
+    		"    print \"Caught an SQLException with problem $obj->problem\"; \n" + 
+    		"} catch (Exception $e) { \n" + 
+    		"    print \"Caught unrecognized exception\"; \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("function my_func(&$arg = null) { \n" + 
+		"    if ($arg === NULL) { \n" + 
+		"        print \'$arg is empty\'; \n" + 
+		"    } \n" + 
+		"} \n" + 
+		"my_func();");
+    checkPHP("foreach ($array as &$value) { \n" + 
+    		"    if ($value === \"NULL\") { \n" + 
+    		"        $value = NULL; \n" + 
+    		"    } \n" + 
+    		"}");
+    checkPHP("$testxml = simplexml_load_file(\'test.xml\'); \n" + 
+    		"foreach ($$testxml->client as $test) { \n" + 
+    		"    print \"$test->name has account number $test->account_number \"; \n" + 
+    		"} ");
+    checkHTML("<?php if ($a==$b) {\n" +
+		"}\n" +
+		""+
+		"?> ");
+    checkHTML("<?php if ($a==$b) {?>\n" +
+    		"<b>test <?php echo \"test\";?> me</b>\n" +
+    		"<?php } \n" +
+    		"echo $bgcolor2 ?>");
+    checkHTML("<?php echo $bgcolor2 ?>");
+    checkPHP("function clean_words($mode, &$entry, &$stopword_list, &$synonym_list)\r\n" + 
+    		"{ static $drop_char_match = array(\'^\', \'$\'); }");
     checkPHP("if ($topic<1) { $topic = 1;}");
     checkPHP("$this->result_field_names[$result_id][] = odbc_field_name($result_id, $i);");
@@ -35,7 +251,7 @@ public class PHPParserTestCase extends AbstractCompilerTest {
         + "and appl_sect_deftn_sk = <<SECT>>\n" + "order by url_ord\n"
         + "EOS;\n");
     checkPHP("foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $secvalue) { }");
-    checkPHP("\"\\\"\";");
     checkPHP("$add = 'a'.$i;$val = $$add;");
@@ -102,7 +318,6 @@ public class PHPParserTestCase extends AbstractCompilerTest {
         + "$message = eregi_replace(\"\\[addsig]\", \"\\n-----------------\\n\" .    $myrow[user_sig], $message); \n"
         + "$message = str_replace(\"<BR>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n"
         + "$message = str_replace(\"<br>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n } ");
-    checkPHP("do {$array[] = array(\"$myrow[uid]\" => \"$myrow[uname]\"); } while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));");
     checkPHP("$ol = new Overlib();");
     checkPHP("$risultato = mysql_query($sql) or\n    die(mysql_error());");
 //    checkHTML("\n\n\n\n  <?php print \"Hello world\" ?>");