X-Git-Url: http://secure.phpeclipse.com
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
index 0d76a4c..17511d5 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerUtilities;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.*;
@@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.actions.PHPStartApacheAction;
import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.OutlineableWithChildren;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Outlineable;
import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.PHPOutlineInfo;
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
private static final String PARSE_WARNING_STRING = "Warning"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static PHPOutlineInfo outlineInfo;
- public static MethodDeclaration currentFunction;
- private static boolean assigning;
/** The error level of the current ParseException. */
private static int errorLevel = ERROR;
/** The message of the current ParseException. If it's null it's because the parse exception wasn't handled */
@@ -71,6 +68,8 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
private static int errorStart = -1;
private static int errorEnd = -1;
private static PHPDocument phpDocument;
+ private static final char[] SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR = {'s','y','n','t','a','x',' ','e','r','r','o','r'};
* The point where html starts.
* It will be used by the token manager to create HTMLCode objects
@@ -122,44 +121,10 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
- public static final void phpParserTester(final String strEval) throws CoreException, ParseException {
- PHPParserTokenManager.SwitchTo(PHPParserTokenManager.PHPPARSING);
- final StringReader stream = new StringReader(strEval);
- if (jj_input_stream == null) {
- jj_input_stream = new SimpleCharStream(stream, 1, 1);
- }
- ReInit(new StringReader(strEval));
- init();
- phpTest();
- }
- public static final void htmlParserTester(final File fileName) throws CoreException, ParseException {
- try {
- final Reader stream = new FileReader(fileName);
- if (jj_input_stream == null) {
- jj_input_stream = new SimpleCharStream(stream, 1, 1);
- }
- ReInit(stream);
- init();
- phpFile();
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
- }
- }
- public static final void htmlParserTester(final String strEval) throws CoreException, ParseException {
- final StringReader stream = new StringReader(strEval);
- if (jj_input_stream == null) {
- jj_input_stream = new SimpleCharStream(stream, 1, 1);
- }
- ReInit(stream);
- init();
- phpFile();
- }
public final PHPOutlineInfo parseInfo(final Object parent, final String s) {
- currentSegment = new PHPDocument(parent);
- outlineInfo = new PHPOutlineInfo(parent);
+ phpDocument = new PHPDocument(parent,"_root".toCharArray());
+ currentSegment = phpDocument;
+ outlineInfo = new PHPOutlineInfo(parent, currentSegment);
final StringReader stream = new StringReader(s);
if (jj_input_stream == null) {
jj_input_stream = new SimpleCharStream(stream, 1, 1);
@@ -168,9 +133,11 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
try {
- phpDocument = new PHPDocument(null);
- phpDocument.nodes = nodes;
- PHPeclipsePlugin.log(1,phpDocument.toString());
+ phpDocument.nodes = new AstNode[nodes.length];
+ System.arraycopy(nodes,0,phpDocument.nodes,0,nodes.length);
+ if (PHPeclipsePlugin.DEBUG) {
+ PHPeclipsePlugin.log(1,phpDocument.toString());
+ }
} catch (ParseException e) {
@@ -186,7 +153,7 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
if (errorMessage == null) {
errorMessage = "this exception wasn't handled by the parser please tell us how to reproduce it";
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition();
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
errorEnd = errorStart + 1;
@@ -202,8 +169,8 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
if (errorStart == -1) {
- jj_input_stream.tokenBegin,
- jj_input_stream.tokenBegin + e.currentToken.image.length(),
+ SimpleCharStream.tokenBegin,
+ SimpleCharStream.tokenBegin + e.currentToken.image.length(),
"Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine);
} else {
@@ -221,31 +188,6 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
- /**
- * Create markers according to the external parser output
- */
- private static void createMarkers(final String output, final IFile file) throws CoreException {
- // delete all markers
- file.deleteMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, false, 0);
- int indx = 0;
- int brIndx;
- boolean flag = true;
- while ((brIndx = output.indexOf("
", indx)) != -1) {
- // newer php error output (tested with 4.2.3)
- scanLine(output, file, indx, brIndx);
- indx = brIndx + 6;
- flag = false;
- }
- if (flag) {
- while ((brIndx = output.indexOf("
", indx)) != -1) {
- // older php error output (tested with 4.2.3)
- scanLine(output, file, indx, brIndx);
- indx = brIndx + 4;
- }
- }
- }
private static void scanLine(final String output,
final IFile file,
final int indx,
@@ -331,10 +273,29 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
if (currentPosition == htmlStart) {
- final char[] chars = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(htmlStart,currentPosition).toCharArray();
+ final char[] chars = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(htmlStart,currentPosition+1).toCharArray();
pushOnAstNodes(new HTMLCode(chars, htmlStart,currentPosition));
+ /**
+ * Create a new task.
+ */
+ public static final void createNewTask() {
+ final int currentPosition = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final String todo = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(currentPosition+1,
+ SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.indexOf("\n",
+ currentPosition)-1);
+ try {
+ setMarker(fileToParse,
+ "todo : " + todo,
+ SimpleCharStream.getBeginLine(),
+ "Line "+SimpleCharStream.getBeginLine());
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ PHPeclipsePlugin.log(e);
+ }
+ }
private static final void parse() throws ParseException {
@@ -375,34 +336,30 @@ PARSER_END(PHPParser)
- <"/**" ~["/"]> { input_stream.backup(1); } : IN_FORMAL_COMMENT
+| <"/**" ~["/"]> { input_stream.backup(1); } : IN_FORMAL_COMMENT
+| "?>" : DEFAULT
- " > : DEFAULT
+ "todo" {PHPParser.createNewTask();}
@@ -435,6 +392,7 @@ MORE :
| ">
@@ -500,8 +458,8 @@ MORE :
@@ -542,32 +500,9 @@ MORE :
<#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
| | )>
@@ -639,15 +574,7 @@ MORE :
- < DOLLAR_ID: >
-void phpTest() :
- Php()
- {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();}
+ >
void phpFile() :
@@ -655,7 +582,7 @@ void phpFile() :
try {
+ {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();}
} catch (TokenMgrError e) {
errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
@@ -673,18 +600,20 @@ void phpFile() :
void PhpBlock() :
- final int start = jj_input_stream.getPosition();
+ final int start = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final PHPEchoBlock phpEchoBlock;
- phpEchoBlock()
+ phpEchoBlock = phpEchoBlock()
+ {pushOnAstNodes(phpEchoBlock);}
- [
+ [
{try {
"You should use '' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
@@ -729,41 +658,46 @@ ClassDeclaration ClassDeclaration() :
final Token className;
Token superclassName = null;
final int pos;
+ char[] classNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
+ char[] superclassNameImage = null;
+ {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();}
try {
- {pos = jj_input_stream.getPosition();}
className =
+ {classNameImage = className.image.toCharArray();}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
try {
superclassName =
+ {superclassNameImage = superclassName.image.toCharArray();}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
+ superclassNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
- if (superclassName == null) {
+ if (superclassNameImage == null) {
classDeclaration = new ClassDeclaration(currentSegment,
- className.image.toCharArray(),
+ classNameImage,
} else {
classDeclaration = new ClassDeclaration(currentSegment,
- className.image.toCharArray(),
- superclassName.image.toCharArray(),
+ classNameImage,
+ superclassNameImage,
@@ -785,8 +719,8 @@ void ClassBody(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image + "', '{' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
throw e;
( ClassBodyDeclaration(classDeclaration) )*
@@ -795,8 +729,8 @@ void ClassBody(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', 'var', 'function' or '}' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
throw e;
@@ -811,7 +745,7 @@ void ClassBodyDeclaration(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) :
method = MethodDeclaration() {classDeclaration.addMethod(method);}
-| field = FieldDeclaration() {classDeclaration.addVariable(field);}
+| field = FieldDeclaration() {classDeclaration.addField(field);}
@@ -827,35 +761,34 @@ FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration() :
variableDeclaration = VariableDeclarator()
- outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(variableDeclaration.name));
- currentSegment.add(variableDeclaration);}
+ outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(variableDeclaration.name));}
( variableDeclaration = VariableDeclarator()
- outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(variableDeclaration.name));
- currentSegment.add(variableDeclaration);}
+ outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(variableDeclaration.name));}
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected after variable declaration";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
{list = new VariableDeclaration[arrayList.size()];
return new FieldDeclaration(list,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ SimpleCharStream.getPosition(),
+ currentSegment);}
VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarator() :
final String varName;
Expression initializer = null;
- final int pos = jj_input_stream.getPosition();
+ final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
varName = VariableDeclaratorId()
@@ -866,8 +799,8 @@ VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarator() :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "Literal expression expected in variable initializer";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
throw e;
@@ -876,7 +809,7 @@ VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarator() :
return new VariableDeclaration(currentSegment,
- jj_input_stream.getPosition());
+ SimpleCharStream.getPosition());
return new VariableDeclaration(currentSegment,
@@ -892,31 +825,39 @@ VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarator() :
String VariableDeclaratorId() :
String expr;
- Expression expression;
+ Expression expression = null;
final StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
ConstantIdentifier ex;
try {
- expr = Variable() {buff.append(expr);}
+ expr = Variable()
{ex = new ConstantIdentifier(expr.toCharArray(),
expression = VariableSuffix(ex)
- {buff.append(expression.toStringExpression());}
- {return buff.toString();}
+ {
+ if (expression == null) {
+ return expr;
+ }
+ return expression.toStringExpression();
+ }
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'$' expected for variable identifier";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
throw e;
+ * Return a variablename without the $.
+ * @return a variable name
+ */
String Variable():
final StringBuffer buff;
@@ -927,13 +868,13 @@ String Variable():
token = [ expression = Expression() ]
- if (expression == null && !assigning) {
+ if (expression == null) {
return token.image.substring(1);
buff = new StringBuffer(token.image);
- buff.append('{');
+ buff.append("{");
- buff.append('}');
+ buff.append("}");
return buff.toString();
@@ -941,6 +882,10 @@ String Variable():
{return expr;}
+ * A Variable name (without the $)
+ * @return a variable name String
+ */
String VariableName():
final StringBuffer buff;
@@ -950,9 +895,9 @@ String VariableName():
expression = Expression()
- {buff = new StringBuffer('{');
+ {buff = new StringBuffer("{");
- buff.append('}');
+ buff.append("}");
return buff.toString();}
token = [ expression = Expression() ]
@@ -961,15 +906,15 @@ String VariableName():
return token.image;
buff = new StringBuffer(token.image);
- buff.append('{');
+ buff.append("{");
- buff.append('}');
+ buff.append("}");
return buff.toString();
expr = VariableName()
- buff = new StringBuffer('$');
+ buff = new StringBuffer("$");
return buff.toString();
@@ -1048,6 +993,7 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclaration() :
final MethodDeclaration functionDeclaration;
final Block block;
+ final OutlineableWithChildren seg = currentSegment;
@@ -1058,26 +1004,15 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclaration() :
if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
throw e;
- {
- if (currentSegment != null) {
- currentSegment.add(functionDeclaration);
- currentSegment = functionDeclaration;
- }
- currentFunction = functionDeclaration;
- }
+ {currentSegment = functionDeclaration;}
block = Block()
- {
- functionDeclaration.statements = block.statements;
- currentFunction = null;
- if (currentSegment != null) {
- currentSegment = (OutlineableWithChildren) currentSegment.getParent();
- }
- return functionDeclaration;
- }
+ {functionDeclaration.statements = block.statements;
+ currentSegment = seg;
+ return functionDeclaration;}
@@ -1091,16 +1026,27 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclarator() :
Token reference = null;
final Hashtable formalParameters;
final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ char[] identifierChar = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
- [reference = ] identifier =
+ [reference = ]
+ try {
+ identifier =
+ {identifierChar = identifier.image.toCharArray();}
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
+ errorLevel = ERROR;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
+ }
formalParameters = FormalParameters()
{return new MethodDeclaration(currentSegment,
- identifier.image.toCharArray(),
- formalParameters,
- reference != null,
- pos,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ identifierChar,
+ formalParameters,
+ reference != null,
+ pos,
+ SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
@@ -1118,9 +1064,9 @@ Hashtable FormalParameters() :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected after function identifier";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
[ var = FormalParameter()
{parameters.put(new String(var.name),var);}
@@ -1134,9 +1080,9 @@ Hashtable FormalParameters() :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = jj_input_stream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = jj_input_stream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ processParseException(e);
{return parameters;}
@@ -1163,32 +1109,23 @@ ConstantIdentifier Type() :
{final int pos;}
{pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.STRING,
- pos,pos-6);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.STRING,pos,pos-6);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.BOOL,
- pos,pos-4);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.BOOL,pos,pos-4);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.BOOLEAN,
- pos,pos-7);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.BOOLEAN,pos,pos-7);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.REAL,
- pos,pos-4);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.REAL,pos,pos-4);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.DOUBLE,
- pos,pos-5);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.DOUBLE,pos,pos-5);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.FLOAT,
- pos,pos-5);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.FLOAT,pos,pos-5);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.INT,
- pos,pos-3);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.INT,pos,pos-3);}
| {pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.INTEGER,
- pos,pos-7);}
+ return new ConstantIdentifier(Types.INTEGER,pos,pos-7);}