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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/text/JavaTextTools.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/text/JavaTextTools.java
index 2937b46..33a5411 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/text/JavaTextTools.java
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/text/JavaTextTools.java
@@ -10,11 +10,17 @@ import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.text.IPHPPartitions;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.text.JavaColorManager;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.text.phpdoc.PHPDocCodeScanner;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.IPreferenceConstants;
-import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.HTMLCodeScanner;
-import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPCodeScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.HTMLPartitionScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPDocumentPartitioner;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPPartitionScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPCodeScanner;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.SmartyCodeScanner;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.SmartyDocCodeScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xml.ui.XMLPlugin;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xml.ui.internal.text.SingleTokenScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xml.ui.internal.text.XMLPartitionScanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xml.ui.text.XMLTextTools;
 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
 import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
@@ -24,8 +30,10 @@ import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.IPartitionTokenScanner;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedScanner;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.Token;
 import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
 import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
 //import org.phpeclipse.phpdt.internal.ui.text.FastJavaPartitionScanner;
 //import org.phpeclipse.phpdt.internal.ui.text.JavaColorManager;
@@ -35,122 +43,155 @@ import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
 //import org.phpeclipse.phpdt.internal.ui.text.phpdoc.JavaDocScanner;
- * Tools required to configure a Java text viewer. 
- * The color manager and all scanner exist only one time, i.e.
- * the same instances are returned to all clients. Thus, clients
- * share those tools.
+ * Tools required to configure a Java text viewer. The color manager and all scanner exist only one time, i.e. the same instances
+ * are returned to all clients. Thus, clients share those tools.
  * <p>
  * This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.
  * </p>
-public class JavaTextTools {
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner SMARTY_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
-  // private final static String[] TYPES= new String[] { PHPPartitionScanner.PHP, PHPPartitionScanner.JAVA_DOC, PHPPartitionScanner.JAVA_MULTILINE_COMMENT };
-  private final static String[] TYPES =
-    new String[] {
-      IPHPPartitions.HTML,
-      IPHPPartitions.JAVASCRIPT,
-      IPHPPartitions.CSS,
-      IPHPPartitions.SMARTY,
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner XML_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
+public class JavaTextTools implements IPHPPartitions {
+//  private static final String[] TOKENS = { 
+//  JSPScriptScanner.JSP_DEFAULT, 
+//  JSPScriptScanner.JSP_BRACKET };
+  private final static String[] LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES = new String[] { 
+      PHP_STRING_DQ, 
+      PHP_STRING_SQ };
+  private static XMLPartitionScanner HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
+  private static FastJavaPartitionScanner PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
+  private static HTMLPartitionScanner SMARTY_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
+  private static XMLPartitionScanner XML_PARTITION_SCANNER = null;
+  // private final static String[] TYPES= new String[] { PHPPartitionScanner.PHP, PHPPartitionScanner.JAVA_DOC,
+  // PHPPartitionScanner.JAVA_MULTILINE_COMMENT };
+//  private final static String[] TYPES = new String[] { 
+//      IPHPPartitions.PHP_PARTITIONING, 
+//      IPHPPartitions.PHP_PHPDOC_COMMENT,
+//  //      IPHPPartitions.HTML,
+//      //      IPHPPartitions.HTML_MULTILINE_COMMENT,
+//      IPHPPartitions.JAVASCRIPT, 
+//      IPHPPartitions.CSS, 
+//      IPHPPartitions.SMARTY, 
-   * This tools' preference listener. 
+   * This tools' preference listener.
   private class PreferenceListener implements IPropertyChangeListener, Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener {
     public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
     public void propertyChange(Preferences.PropertyChangeEvent event) {
-      adaptToPreferenceChange(
-        new PropertyChangeEvent(event.getSource(), event.getProperty(), event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue()));
+      adaptToPreferenceChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(event.getSource(), event.getProperty(), event.getOldValue(), event
+          .getNewValue()));
-  /** The color manager */
-  private JavaColorManager fColorManager;
+  //  /** The color manager */
+  private JavaColorManager colorManager;
   /** The PHP source code scanner */
   private PHPCodeScanner fCodeScanner;
   /** The PHP multiline comment scanner */
   private SingleTokenPHPScanner fMultilineCommentScanner;
   /** The Java singleline comment scanner */
   private SingleTokenPHPScanner fSinglelineCommentScanner;
   /** The Java string scanner */
   private SingleTokenPHPScanner fStringScanner;
   /** The PHPDoc scanner */
   private PHPDocCodeScanner fPHPDocScanner;
   /** The HTML scanner */
-  private HTMLCodeScanner fHTMLScanner;
+  //  private HTMLCodeScanner fHTMLScanner;
   /** The Smarty scanner */
   private SmartyCodeScanner fSmartyScanner;
   /** The SmartyDoc scanner */
   private SmartyDocCodeScanner fSmartyDocScanner;
-  /** The Java partitions scanner */
-  private FastJavaPartitionScanner fPartitionScanner;
+  /** The Java partitions scanner. */
+  private FastJavaPartitionScanner fPartitionScanner;	
   /** The preference store */
   private IPreferenceStore fPreferenceStore;
+  /** The XML Language text tools */
+  private XMLTextTools xmlTextTools;
    * The core preference store.
+   * 
    * @since 2.1
   private Preferences fCorePreferenceStore;
   /** The preference change listener */
   private PreferenceListener fPreferenceListener = new PreferenceListener();
+  /** The JSP partitions scanner */
+  private PHPPartitionScanner jspPartitionScanner = null;
+  /** The JSP script subpartitions scanner */
+//  private JSPScriptScanner jspScriptScanner;
+  /** The PHP plain text scanner */
+//  private RuleBasedScanner jspTextScanner;
+  /** The PHP brackets scanner */
+//  private RuleBasedScanner jspBracketScanner;
    * Creates a new Java text tools collection.
-   * @param store the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
-   * instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to 
-   * changes in the preference store. In general <code>PreferenceConstants.
-   * getPreferenceStore()</code> shoould be used to initialize the text tools.
-   * 
-   * @see org.phpeclipse.phpdt.ui.PreferenceConstants#getPreferenceStore()
-   * @since 2.0
+   * @param store
+   *          the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool instance installs a listener on the passed preference
+   *          store to adapt itself to changes in the preference store. In general <code>PreferenceConstants.
+   *			getPreferenceStore()</code>
+   *          should be used to initialize the text tools.
+   * @param coreStore
+   *          optional preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool instance installs a listener on the passed
+   *          preference store to adapt itself to changes in the preference store.
+   * @see org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants#getPreferenceStore()
+   * @since 2.1
-  public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store) {
-    fPreferenceStore = store;
-    fPreferenceStore.addPropertyChangeListener(fPreferenceListener);
-    fColorManager = new JavaColorManager();
-    fCodeScanner = new PHPCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fMultilineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_MULTILINE_COMMENT);
-    fSinglelineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_SINGLELINE_COMMENT);
-    fStringScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_STRING);
-    fPHPDocScanner = new PHPDocCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fHTMLScanner = new HTMLCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fSmartyScanner = new SmartyCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fSmartyDocScanner = new SmartyDocCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fPartitionScanner = new FastJavaPartitionScanner();
+  public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store, Preferences coreStore) {
+    this(store, coreStore, true);
    * Creates a new Java text tools collection.
-   * @param store the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
-   *			instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to 
-   *			changes in the preference store. In general <code>PreferenceConstants.
-   *			getPreferenceStore()</code> shoould be used to initialize the text tools.
-   * @param coreStore optional preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
-   *			instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to 
-   *			changes in the preference store.
-   * @param autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose 	if <code>true</code>  the color manager
-   *			automatically disposes all managed colors when the current display gets disposed
-   *			and all calls to {@link org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISharedTextColors#dispose()} are ignored.
+   * @param store
+   *          the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool instance installs a listener on the passed preference
+   *          store to adapt itself to changes in the preference store. In general <code>PreferenceConstants.
+   *			getPreferenceStore()</code>
+   *          shoould be used to initialize the text tools.
+   * @param coreStore
+   *          optional preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool instance installs a listener on the passed
+   *          preference store to adapt itself to changes in the preference store.
+   * @param autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose
+   *          if <code>true</code> the color manager automatically disposes all managed colors when the current display gets
+   *          disposed and all calls to {@link org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISharedTextColors#dispose()}are ignored.
    * @see org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants#getPreferenceStore()
    * @since 2.1
   public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store, Preferences coreStore, boolean autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose) {
+    //    super(store, TOKENS, );
+//  REVISIT: preference store
+	xmlTextTools = new XMLTextTools(
+		XMLPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore());
+    colorManager = new JavaColorManager(autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose);
     fPreferenceStore = store;
@@ -158,19 +199,36 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
     if (fCorePreferenceStore != null)
-    fColorManager = new JavaColorManager(autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose);
-    fCodeScanner = new PHPCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fMultilineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_MULTILINE_COMMENT);
-    fSinglelineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_SINGLELINE_COMMENT);
-    fStringScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner(fColorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_STRING);
-    fPHPDocScanner = new PHPDocCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fHTMLScanner = new HTMLCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fSmartyScanner = new SmartyCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fSmartyDocScanner = new SmartyDocCodeScanner(fColorManager, store);
-    fPartitionScanner = new FastJavaPartitionScanner();
+    fCodeScanner = new PHPCodeScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store);
+    fMultilineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store,
+        IPreferenceConstants.PHP_MULTILINE_COMMENT);
+    fSinglelineCommentScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store,
+        IPreferenceConstants.PHP_SINGLELINE_COMMENT);
+    fStringScanner = new SingleTokenPHPScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store, IPreferenceConstants.PHP_STRING);
+    fPHPDocScanner = new PHPDocCodeScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store);
+    //    fHTMLScanner = new HTMLCodeScanner((JavaColorManager)fColorManager, store);
+    fSmartyScanner = new SmartyCodeScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store);
+    fSmartyDocScanner = new SmartyDocCodeScanner((JavaColorManager) colorManager, store);
+    fPartitionScanner= new FastJavaPartitionScanner();
+//    jspScriptScanner = new JSPScriptScanner();
+    //  fPartitionScanner = new FastJavaPartitionScanner();
+    //    fPartitionScanner = new PHPPartitionScanner();
+//    jspBracketScanner = new RuleBasedScanner();
+//    jspBracketScanner.setDefaultReturnToken(new Token(JSPScriptScanner.JSP_BRACKET));
+//    jspTextScanner = new RuleBasedScanner();
+//    jspTextScanner.setDefaultReturnToken(new Token(JSPScriptScanner.JSP_DEFAULT));
+	 * 
+	 */
+	public XMLTextTools getXMLTextTools() {
+		return xmlTextTools;
+	}
+  /**
    * Disposes all the individual tools of this tools collection.
   public void dispose() {
@@ -180,11 +238,11 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
     fSinglelineCommentScanner = null;
     fStringScanner = null;
     fPHPDocScanner = null;
-    fPartitionScanner = null;
+    //    fPartitionScanner = null;
-    if (fColorManager != null) {
-      fColorManager.dispose();
-      fColorManager = null;
+    if (colorManager != null) {
+      colorManager.dispose();
+      colorManager = null;
     if (fPreferenceStore != null) {
@@ -201,18 +259,17 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
-   * Returns the color manager which is used to manage
-   * any Java-specific colors needed for such things like syntax highlighting.
-   *
+   * Returns the color manager which is used to manage any Java-specific colors needed for such things like syntax highlighting.
+   * 
    * @return the color manager to be used for Java text viewers
-  public IColorManager getColorManager() {
-    return fColorManager;
+  public JavaColorManager getColorManager() {
+    return (JavaColorManager) colorManager;
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java source code.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a Java source code scanner
   public RuleBasedScanner getCodeScanner() {
@@ -221,7 +278,7 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java multiline comments.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a Java multiline comment scanner
    * @since 2.0
@@ -232,18 +289,17 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan HTML code.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a HTML scanner
    * @since 2.0
-  public RuleBasedScanner getHTMLScanner() {
-    return fHTMLScanner;
-  }
+  //  public RuleBasedScanner getHTMLScanner() {
+  //    return fHTMLScanner;
+  //  }
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Smarty code.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a Smarty scanner
    * @since 2.0
@@ -253,18 +309,19 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
-  	 * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Smarty code.
-  	 *
-  	 * @return a Smarty scanner
-  	 * 
-  	 * @since 2.0
-  	 */
+   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Smarty code.
+   * 
+   * @return a Smarty scanner
+   * 
+   * @since 2.0
+   */
   public RuleBasedScanner getSmartyDocScanner() {
     return fSmartyDocScanner;
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java singleline comments.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a Java singleline comment scanner
    * @since 2.0
@@ -275,7 +332,7 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
    * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java strings.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a Java string scanner
    * @since 2.0
@@ -285,10 +342,9 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
-   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan JavaDoc compliant comments.
-   * Notes that the start sequence "/**" and the corresponding end sequence
-   * are part of the JavaDoc comment.
-   *
+   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan JavaDoc compliant comments. Notes that the start sequence "/**" and the
+   * corresponding end sequence are part of the JavaDoc comment.
+   * 
    * @return a JavaDoc scanner
   public RuleBasedScanner getJavaDocScanner() {
@@ -296,21 +352,18 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
-   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan 
-   * Java-specific partitions, which are multi-line comments,
-   * JavaDoc comments, and regular Java source code.
-   *
+   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java-specific partitions, which are multi-line comments, JavaDoc comments, and
+   * regular Java source code.
+   * 
    * @return a Java partition scanner
-  public IPartitionTokenScanner getPartitionScanner() {
-    return fPartitionScanner;
-  }
+  //  public IPartitionTokenScanner getPartitionScanner() {
+  //    return fPartitionScanner;
+  //  }
-   * Factory method for creating a PHP-specific document partitioner
-   * using this object's partitions scanner. This method is a 
+   * Factory method for creating a PHP-specific document partitioner using this object's partitions scanner. This method is a
    * convenience method.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a newly created Java document partitioner
   public IDocumentPartitioner createDocumentPartitioner() {
@@ -318,10 +371,9 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
-   * Factory method for creating a PHP-specific document partitioner
-   * using this object's partitions scanner. This method is a 
+   * Factory method for creating a PHP-specific document partitioner using this object's partitions scanner. This method is a
    * convenience method.
-   *
+   * 
    * @return a newly created Java document partitioner
   public IDocumentPartitioner createDocumentPartitioner(String extension) {
@@ -339,83 +391,110 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
     if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".html") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".htm")) {
       // html
       partitioner = createHTMLPartitioner();
+      partitioner = createJSPPartitioner();
     } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".xml")) {
       // xml
       partitioner = createXMLPartitioner();
-    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".js")) {
-      // javascript
-      partitioner = createJavaScriptPartitioner();
-    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".css")) {
-      // cascading style sheets
-      partitioner = createCSSPartitioner();
+//    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".js")) {
+//      // javascript
+//      partitioner = createJavaScriptPartitioner();
+//    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".css")) {
+//      // cascading style sheets
+//      partitioner = createCSSPartitioner();
     } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".tpl")) {
       // smarty ?
       partitioner = createSmartyPartitioner();
-    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".inc")) {
-      // php include files ?
-      partitioner = createIncludePartitioner();
+//    } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".inc")) {
+//      // php include files ?
+//      partitioner = createIncludePartitioner();
     if (partitioner == null) {
-      partitioner = createPHPPartitioner();
+      partitioner = createJSPPartitioner();
     return partitioner;
-	/**
-	 * Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
-	 * 
-	 * @param document the document to be set up
-	 * @param partitioning the document partitioning
-	 * @since 3.0
-	 */
-	public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document, String partitioning) {
-		IDocumentPartitioner partitioner= createDocumentPartitioner();
-		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3) {
-			IDocumentExtension3 extension3= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
-			extension3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner);
-		} else {
-			document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner);
-		}
-		partitioner.connect(document);
-	}
-   * Returns the names of the document position categories used by the document
-   * partitioners created by this object to manage their partition information.
-   * If the partitioners don't use document position categories, the returned
-   * result is <code>null</code>.
-   *
-   * @return the partition managing position categories or <code>null</code> 
-   * 			if there is none
+   * Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
+   * 
+   * @param document
+   *          the document to be set up
+   * @param partitioning
+   *          the document partitioning
+   * @param element
+   *          TODO
+   * 
+   * @since 3.0
+   */
+//  public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document, String partitioning, Object element) {
+//    IDocumentPartitioner partitioner = createDocumentPartitioner(".php");
+//    //		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3) {
+//    //			IDocumentExtension3 extension3= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
+//    //			extension3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner);
+//    //		} else {
+//    document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner);
+//    //		}
+//    partitioner.connect(document);
+//  }
+  public void setupHTMLDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document, String partitioning, Object element) {
+    IDocumentPartitioner partitioner = createDocumentPartitioner(".html");
+    //		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3) {
+    //			IDocumentExtension3 extension3= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
+    //			extension3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner);
+    //		} else {
+    document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner);
+    //		}
+    partitioner.connect(document);
+  }
+  public void setupSmartyDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document, String partitioning, Object element) {
+    IDocumentPartitioner partitioner = createDocumentPartitioner(".tpl");
+    //		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3) {
+    //			IDocumentExtension3 extension3= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
+    //			extension3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner);
+    //		} else {
+    document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner);
+    //		}
+    partitioner.connect(document);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the names of the document position categories used by the document partitioners created by this object to manage their
+   * partition information. If the partitioners don't use document position categories, the returned result is <code>null</code>.
+   * 
+   * @return the partition managing position categories or <code>null</code> if there is none
   public String[] getPartitionManagingPositionCategories() {
     return new String[] { DefaultPartitioner.CONTENT_TYPES_CATEGORY };
-   * Determines whether the preference change encoded by the given event
-   * changes the behavior of one its contained components.
+   * Determines whether the preference change encoded by the given event changes the behavior of one its contained components.
-   * @param event the event to be investigated
+   * @param event
+   *          the event to be investigated
    * @return <code>true</code> if event causes a behavioral change
    * @since 2.0
   public boolean affectsBehavior(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
-    return fCodeScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
-      || fMultilineCommentScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
-      || fSinglelineCommentScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
-      || fStringScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
-      || fPHPDocScanner.affectsBehavior(event);
+    return fCodeScanner.affectsBehavior(event) || fMultilineCommentScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
+        || fSinglelineCommentScanner.affectsBehavior(event) || fStringScanner.affectsBehavior(event)
+        || fPHPDocScanner.affectsBehavior(event);
-   * Adapts the behavior of the contained components to the change
-   * encoded in the given event.
+   * Adapts the behavior of the contained components to the change encoded in the given event.
-   * @param event the event to which to adapt
+   * @param event
+   *          the event to which to adapt
    * @since 2.0
   protected void adaptToPreferenceChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
@@ -429,74 +508,179 @@ public class JavaTextTools {
     if (fPHPDocScanner.affectsBehavior(event))
+    //    if (fHTMLScanner.affectsBehavior(event))
+    //      fHTMLScanner.adaptToPreferenceChange(event);
+    if (fSmartyScanner.affectsBehavior(event))
+      fSmartyScanner.adaptToPreferenceChange(event);
+    if (fSmartyDocScanner.affectsBehavior(event))
+      fSmartyDocScanner.adaptToPreferenceChange(event);
+    XMLPlugin.getDefault().getXMLTextTools().affectsBehavior(event);
-  	 * Return a partitioner for .html files.
-  	 */
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createHTMLPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+   * Return a partitioner for .html files.
+   */
+  public IDocumentPartitioner createHTMLPartitioner() {
+//    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+    return xmlTextTools.createXMLPartitioner();
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createIncludePartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
-  }
+//  private static IDocumentPartitioner createIncludePartitioner() {
+//    //    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+//    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), FastJavaPartitionScanner.PHP_PARTITION_TYPES);
+//  }
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createJavaScriptPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
-  }
+//  private static IDocumentPartitioner createJavaScriptPartitioner() {
+//    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+//  }
-  	* Return a partitioner for .php files.
-  	*/
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createPHPPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+   * Return a partitioner for .php files.  
+   */
+  public IDocumentPartitioner createPHPPartitioner() {
+    //    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+    return new DefaultPartitioner(getPHPPartitionScanner(), LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES);
+  } 
+  private IDocumentPartitioner createJSPPartitioner() {
+        return new PHPDocumentPartitioner(
+            getJSPPartitionScanner(), getPHPPartitionScanner());
+//    return new JSPDocumentPartitioner(getJSPPartitionScanner(), jspScriptScanner);
+  /**
+   *  
+   */
+//  public IPartitionTokenScanner getJSPScriptScanner() {
+//    return jspScriptScanner;
+//  }
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createSmartyPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getSmartyPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+  private IDocumentPartitioner createSmartyPartitioner() {
+    return new DefaultPartitioner(getSmartyPartitionScanner(), XMLTextTools.TYPES);
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createXMLPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getXMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
+  private IDocumentPartitioner createXMLPartitioner() {
+//    return new DefaultPartitioner(getXMLPartitionScanner(), XMLTextTools.TYPES);
+    return xmlTextTools.createXMLPartitioner();
-  private static IDocumentPartitioner createCSSPartitioner() {
-    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), TYPES);
-  }
+//  private IDocumentPartitioner createCSSPartitioner() {
+//    return new DefaultPartitioner(getHTMLPartitionScanner(), XMLTextTools.TYPES);
+//  }
-  	* Return a scanner for creating html partitions.
-  	*/
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner getHTMLPartitionScanner() {
-    if (HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
-      HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new PHPPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.HTML_FILE);
-  }
+   * Return a scanner for creating html partitions.
+   */
+//  private static XMLPartitionScanner getHTMLPartitionScanner() {
+//    //    if (HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
+//    //      HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new HTMLPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.HTML_FILE);
+//    //    return HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER;^
+//    if (HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
+//      HTML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new XMLPartitionScanner(false);
+//  }
-  	* Return a scanner for creating php partitions.
-  	*/
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner getPHPPartitionScanner() {
-    if (PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
-      PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER = new PHPPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.PHP_FILE);
+   * Return a scanner for creating php partitions.
+   */ 
+  private FastJavaPartitionScanner getPHPPartitionScanner() {
+//    if (PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
+//      PHP_PARTITION_SCANNER = new FastJavaPartitionScanner(); //new PHPPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.PHP_FILE);
+    return fPartitionScanner;
-  	* Return a scanner for creating smarty partitions.
-  	*/
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner getSmartyPartitionScanner() {
+   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan plain text in JSP.
+   * 
+   * @return a JSP text scanner
+   */
+//  public RuleBasedScanner getJSPTextScanner() {
+//    return jspTextScanner;
+//  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a scanner which is configured to scan plain text in JSP.
+   * 
+   * @return a JSP text scanner
+   */
+//  public RuleBasedScanner getJSPBracketScanner() {
+//    return jspBracketScanner;
+//  }
+  /**
+   * Return a scanner for creating smarty partitions.
+   */
+  private static HTMLPartitionScanner getSmartyPartitionScanner() {
-      SMARTY_PARTITION_SCANNER = new PHPPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.SMARTY_FILE);
+      SMARTY_PARTITION_SCANNER = new HTMLPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.SMARTY_FILE);
-  	* Return a scanner for creating xml partitions.
-  	*/
-  private static PHPPartitionScanner getXMLPartitionScanner() {
+   * Return a scanner for creating xml partitions.
+   */
+  private static XMLPartitionScanner getXMLPartitionScanner() {
+    //    if (XML_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
+    //      XML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new HTMLPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.XML_FILE);
+    //    return XML_PARTITION_SCANNER;
     if (XML_PARTITION_SCANNER == null)
-      XML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new PHPPartitionScanner(IPHPPartitions.XML_FILE);
+      XML_PARTITION_SCANNER = new XMLPartitionScanner(false);
+  private PHPPartitionScanner getJSPPartitionScanner() {
+    if (jspPartitionScanner == null)
+      jspPartitionScanner = new PHPPartitionScanner();
+    return jspPartitionScanner;
+  }
+  /**
+	 * Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the default partitioning.
+	 * 
+	 * @param document the document to be set up
+	 * @since 3.0
+	 */
+	public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document) {
+		setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(document, IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
+	 * 
+	 * @param document the document to be set up
+	 * @param partitioning the document partitioning
+	 * @since 3.0
+	 */
+	public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document, String partitioning) {
+		IDocumentPartitioner partitioner= createDocumentPartitioner();
+		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3) {
+			IDocumentExtension3 extension3= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
+			extension3.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioning, partitioner);
+		} else {
+			document.setDocumentPartitioner(partitioner);
+		}
+		partitioner.connect(document);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns this text tool's preference store.
+	 * 
+	 * @return the preference store
+	 * @since 3.0
+	 */
+	protected IPreferenceStore getPreferenceStore() {
+		return fPreferenceStore;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns this text tool's core preference store.
+	 * 
+	 * @return the core preference store
+	 * @since 3.0
+	 */
+	protected Preferences getCorePreferenceStore() {
+		return fCorePreferenceStore;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file