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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
index d45ca07..9d2846a 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParser.jj
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
   /** The cursor in expression stack. */
   private static int nodePtr;
-  private static final boolean PARSER_DEBUG = true;
+  public static final boolean PARSER_DEBUG = false;
   public final void setFileToParse(final IFile fileToParse) {
     PHPParser.fileToParse = fileToParse;
@@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
     return outlineInfo;
+  /**
+   * This function will throw the exception if we are in debug mode
+   * and process it if we are in production mode.
+   * this should be fast since the PARSER_DEBUG is static final so the difference will be at compile time
+   * @param e the exception
+   * @throws ParseException the thrown exception
+   */
   private static void processParseExceptionDebug(final ParseException e) throws ParseException {
     if (PARSER_DEBUG) {
       throw e;
@@ -225,14 +232,14 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
-                  "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine);
+                  "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine+", "+e.currentToken.sourceStart+':'+e.currentToken.sourceEnd);
       } else {
-                  "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine);
+                  "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine+", "+errorStart+':'+errorEnd);
         errorStart = -1;
         errorEnd = -1;
@@ -324,19 +331,19 @@ public final class PHPParser extends PHPParserSuperclass {
   public static final void createNewHTMLCode() {
     final int currentPosition = token.sourceStart;
     if (currentPosition == htmlStart ||
+          currentPosition < htmlStart ||
           currentPosition > SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.length()) {
-    final char[] chars = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(htmlStart,currentPosition+1).toCharArray();
-    pushOnAstNodes(new HTMLCode(chars, htmlStart,currentPosition));
+    final String html = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(htmlStart, currentPosition);
+    pushOnAstNodes(new HTMLCode(html, htmlStart,currentPosition));
   /** Create a new task. */
-  public static final void createNewTask() {
-    final int currentPosition = token.sourceStart;
-    final String  todo = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(currentPosition-3,
+  public static final void createNewTask(final int todoStart) {
+    final String  todo = SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(todoStart,
-                                                                                                         currentPosition)-1);
+                                                                                                         todoStart)-1);
     if (!PARSER_DEBUG) {
       try {
@@ -371,14 +378,14 @@ TOKEN_MGR_DECLS:
-  <PHPSTARTSHORT : "<?">    {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();} : PHPPARSING
-| <PHPSTARTLONG  : "<?php"> {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();} : PHPPARSING
-| <PHPECHOSTART  : "<?=">   {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();} : PHPPARSING
-  <PHPEND :"?>"> {PHPParser.htmlStart = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd;} : DEFAULT
+  <PHPEND :"?>"> : DEFAULT
 /* Skip any character if we are not in php mode */
@@ -398,6 +405,14 @@ TOKEN_MGR_DECLS:
 | "\f"
+| "\t" : PHPPARSING
+| "\n" : PHPPARSING
+| "\r" : PHPPARSING
+| "\f" : PHPPARSING
@@ -415,9 +430,14 @@ TOKEN_MGR_DECLS:
- "todo" {PHPParser.createNewTask();}
+ "todo"
+void todo() :
+{Token todoToken;}
+  todoToken = "TODO" {createNewTask(todoToken.sourceStart);}
   "*/" : PHPPARSING
@@ -460,9 +480,13 @@ MORE :
 | <GLOBAL             : "global">
 | <DEFINE             : "define">
 | <STATIC             : "static">
-| <CLASSACCESS        : "->">
-| <ARRAYASSIGN        : "=>">
+  <CLASSACCESS        : "->"> : PHPPARSING
+| <ARRAYASSIGN        : "=>"> : PHPPARSING
@@ -509,36 +533,35 @@ MORE :
 //Misc token
-  <AT                 : "@">
-| <DOLLAR             : "$">
-| <BANG               : "!">
-| <TILDE              : "~">
-| <HOOK               : "?">
-| <COLON              : ":">
+  <AT                 : "@"> : PHPPARSING
+| <BANG               : "!"> : PHPPARSING
+| <TILDE              : "~"> : PHPPARSING
+| <HOOK               : "?"> : PHPPARSING
+| <COLON              : ":"> : PHPPARSING
-  <OR_OR              : "||">
-| <AND_AND            : "&&">
-| <PLUS_PLUS          : "++">
-| <MINUS_MINUS        : "--">
-| <PLUS               : "+">
-| <MINUS              : "-">
-| <STAR               : "*">
-| <SLASH              : "/">
-| <BIT_AND            : "&">
-| <BIT_OR             : "|">
-| <XOR                : "^">
-| <REMAINDER          : "%">
-| <LSHIFT             : "<<">
-| <RSIGNEDSHIFT       : ">>">
-| <RUNSIGNEDSHIFT     : ">>>">
-| <_ORL               : "OR">
-| <_ANDL              : "AND">
+  <OR_OR              : "||"> : PHPPARSING
+| <AND_AND            : "&&"> : PHPPARSING
+| <PLUS_PLUS          : "++"> : PHPPARSING
+| <MINUS_MINUS        : "--"> : PHPPARSING
+| <PLUS               : "+"> : PHPPARSING
+| <MINUS              : "-"> : PHPPARSING
+| <STAR               : "*"> : PHPPARSING
+| <SLASH              : "/"> : PHPPARSING
+| <BIT_AND            : "&"> : PHPPARSING
+| <BIT_OR             : "|"> : PHPPARSING
+| <XOR                : "^"> : PHPPARSING
+| <REMAINDER          : "%">  : PHPPARSING
+| <LSHIFT             : "<<"> : PHPPARSING
+| <_ORL               : "OR"> : PHPPARSING
+| <_ANDL              : "AND"> : PHPPARSING
@@ -565,16 +588,80 @@ MORE :
   <#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
-|   <STRING_1: "\"" ( ~["\"","\\"] | "\\" ~[] )* "\"">
+//|   <STRING_1: "\"" ( ~["\"","\\"] | "\\" ~[] )* "\"">
 |   <STRING_2: "'"  ( ~["'","\\"]  | "\\" ~[] )* "'">
 |   <STRING_3: "`"  ( ~["`","\\"]  | "\\" ~[] )* "`">
+  <ESCAPED : ("\\" ~[])> : IN_STRING
+    <"{"> : SKIPSTRING
+    <"}"> : IN_STRING
+    <~[]>
+  <ID : (~["}"])*>
+  <~[]>
+  <~[]>
   < #LETTER:
@@ -590,57 +677,56 @@ MORE :
+ < ~[] > : IN_STRING
-  <LPAREN    : "(">
-| <RPAREN    : ")">
-| <LBRACE    : "{">
-| <RBRACE    : "}">
-| <LBRACKET  : "[">
-| <RBRACKET  : "]">
-| <SEMICOLON : ";">
-| <COMMA     : ",">
-| <DOT       : ".">
+  <LPAREN    : "("> : PHPPARSING
+| <RPAREN    : ")"> : PHPPARSING
+| <LBRACE    : "{"> : PHPPARSING
+| <RBRACE    : "}"> : PHPPARSING
+| <COMMA     : ","> : PHPPARSING
+| <DOT       : "."> : PHPPARSING
-  <GT                 : ">">
-| <LT                 : "<">
-| <EQUAL_EQUAL        : "==">
-| <LE                 : "<=">
-| <GE                 : ">=">
-| <NOT_EQUAL          : "!=">
-| <DIF                : "<>">
-| <BANGDOUBLEEQUAL    : "!==">
-| <TRIPLEEQUAL        : "===">
+  <GT                 : ">"> : PHPPARSING
+| <LT                 : "<"> : PHPPARSING
+| <EQUAL_EQUAL        : "=="> : PHPPARSING
+| <LE                 : "<="> : PHPPARSING
+| <GE                 : ">="> : PHPPARSING
+| <NOT_EQUAL          : "!="> : PHPPARSING
+| <DIF                : "<>"> : PHPPARSING
+| <TRIPLEEQUAL        : "==="> : PHPPARSING
-  <ASSIGN             : "=">
-| <PLUSASSIGN         : "+=">
-| <MINUSASSIGN        : "-=">
-| <STARASSIGN         : "*=">
-| <SLASHASSIGN        : "/=">
-| <ANDASSIGN          : "&=">
-| <ORASSIGN           : "|=">
-| <XORASSIGN          : "^=">
-| <DOTASSIGN          : ".=">
-| <REMASSIGN          : "%=">
-| <TILDEEQUAL         : "~=">
-| <LSHIFTASSIGN       : "<<=">
+  <ASSIGN             : "="> : PHPPARSING
+| <PLUSASSIGN         : "+="> : PHPPARSING
+| <MINUSASSIGN        : "-="> : PHPPARSING
+| <STARASSIGN         : "*="> : PHPPARSING
+| <SLASHASSIGN        : "/="> : PHPPARSING
+| <ANDASSIGN          : "&="> : PHPPARSING
+| <ORASSIGN           : "|="> : PHPPARSING
+| <XORASSIGN          : "^="> : PHPPARSING
+| <DOTASSIGN          : ".="> : PHPPARSING
+| <REMASSIGN          : "%="> : PHPPARSING
+| <TILDEEQUAL         : "~="> : PHPPARSING
+| <LSHIFTASSIGN       : "<<="> : PHPPARSING
 void phpTest() :
@@ -658,8 +744,8 @@ void phpFile() :
   } catch (TokenMgrError e) {
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
-    errorEnd     = errorStart + 1;
+    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.beginOffset;
+    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.endOffset;
     errorMessage = e.getMessage();
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
     throw generateParseException();
@@ -674,7 +760,7 @@ void phpFile() :
 void PhpBlock() :
   final PHPEchoBlock phpEchoBlock;
-  final Token token;
+  final Token token,phpEnd;
   phpEchoBlock = phpEchoBlock()
@@ -693,14 +779,16 @@ void PhpBlock() :
+  {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();}
   try {
-    <PHPEND>
+    phpEnd = <PHPEND>
+   {htmlStart = phpEnd.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'?>' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
@@ -712,8 +800,11 @@ PHPEchoBlock phpEchoBlock() :
   final Token token, token2;
-  token = <PHPECHOSTART> expr = Expression() [ <SEMICOLON> ] token2 = <PHPEND>
+  token = <PHPECHOSTART> {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();}
+  expr = Expression() [ <SEMICOLON> ] token2 = <PHPEND>
+  htmlStart = token2.sourceEnd;
   echoBlock = new PHPEchoBlock(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
   return echoBlock;}
@@ -729,9 +820,10 @@ ClassDeclaration ClassDeclaration() :
   final ClassDeclaration classDeclaration;
   Token className = null;
-  final Token superclassName, token;
+  final Token superclassName, token, extendsToken;
   String classNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
   String superclassNameImage = null;
+  final int classEnd;
   token = <CLASS>
@@ -741,20 +833,20 @@ ClassDeclaration ClassDeclaration() :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart   = token.sourceEnd+1;
+    errorEnd     = token.sourceEnd+1;
-    <EXTENDS>
+    extendsToken = <EXTENDS>
     try {
       superclassName = <IDENTIFIER>
       {superclassNameImage = superclassName.image;}
     } catch (ParseException e) {
       errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
       errorLevel   = ERROR;
-      errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-      errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+      errorStart = extendsToken.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = extendsToken.sourceEnd+1;
       superclassNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
@@ -784,34 +876,38 @@ ClassDeclaration ClassDeclaration() :
       currentSegment = classDeclaration;
-  ClassBody(classDeclaration)
+  classEnd = ClassBody(classDeclaration)
   {currentSegment = (OutlineableWithChildren) currentSegment.getParent();
-   classDeclaration.sourceEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+   classDeclaration.sourceEnd = classEnd;
    return classDeclaration;}
-void ClassBody(final ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) :
+int ClassBody(final ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) :
+Token token;
   try {
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image + "'. '{' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
   ( ClassBodyDeclaration(classDeclaration) )*
   try {
-    <RBRACE>
+    token = <RBRACE>
+    {return token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. 'var', 'function' or '}' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    return PHPParser.token.sourceEnd;
@@ -840,23 +936,29 @@ FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration() :
   final ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
   final Token token;
   Token token2 = null;
+  int pos;
   token = <VAR> variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix()
-  {arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
-   outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());}
+  {
+    arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
+    pos = variableDeclaration.sourceEnd;
+  }
     <COMMA> variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix()
-      {arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
-       outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());}
+      {
+        arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
+        outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());
+        pos = variableDeclaration.sourceEnd;
+      }
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected after variable declaration";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart   = pos+1;
+    errorEnd     = pos+1;
@@ -880,12 +982,20 @@ FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration() :
 VariableDeclaration VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix() :
-  final Token varName;
-  Expression initializer = null;
+  final Token token, lbrace,rbrace;
+  Expression expr, initializer = null;
   Token assignToken;
+  Variable variable;
-  varName = <DOLLAR_ID>
+  (
+     token = <IDENTIFIER>
+     {variable = new Variable(token.image,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);}
+   |
+     lbrace = <LBRACE> expr = Expression() rbrace = <RBRACE>
+     {variable = new Variable(expr,lbrace.sourceStart,rbrace.sourceEnd);}
+  )
     assignToken = <ASSIGN>
     try {
@@ -901,19 +1011,15 @@ VariableDeclaration VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix() :
   if (initializer == null) {
     return new VariableDeclaration(currentSegment,
-                                   new Variable(varName.image.substring(1),
-                                                varName.sourceStart+1,
-                                                varName.sourceEnd+1),
-                                   varName.sourceStart+1,
-                                   varName.sourceEnd+1);
+                                   variable,
+                                   variable.sourceStart,
+                                   variable.sourceEnd);
   return new VariableDeclaration(currentSegment,
-                                 new Variable(varName.image.substring(1),
-                                              varName.sourceStart+1,
-                                              varName.sourceEnd+1),
+                                 variable,
-                                 varName.sourceStart+1);
+                                 variable.sourceStart);
@@ -924,18 +1030,19 @@ VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarator() :
   final AbstractVariable variable;
   Expression initializer = null;
+  final Token token;
   variable = VariableDeclaratorId()
-    <ASSIGN>
+    token = <ASSIGN>
     try {
       initializer = VariableInitializer()
     } catch (ParseException e) {
       errorMessage = "Literal expression expected in variable initializer";
       errorLevel   = ERROR;
-      errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-      errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+      errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = token.sourceEnd+1;
@@ -979,156 +1086,47 @@ AbstractVariable VariableDeclaratorId() :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'$' expected for variable identifier";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
- * Return a variablename without the $.
- * @return a variable name
- *//*
-Variable Variable():
-  final StringBuffer buff;
-  Expression expression = null;
-  final Token token;
-  Variable expr;
-  final int pos;
-  token = <DOLLAR_ID>
-  [<LBRACE> expression = Expression() <RBRACE>]
-  {
-    if (expression == null) {
-      return new Variable(token.image.substring(1),
-                          token.sourceStart+1,
-                          token.sourceEnd+1);
-    }
-    String s = expression.toStringExpression();
-    buff = new StringBuffer(token.image.length()+s.length()+2);
-    buff.append(token.image);
-    buff.append("{");
-    buff.append(s);
-    buff.append("}");
-    s = buff.toString();
-    return new Variable(s,token.sourceStart+1,token.sourceEnd+1);
-  }
-  token = <DOLLAR>
-  expr = VariableName()
-  {return new Variable(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);}
-}   */
 Variable Variable() :
   Variable variable = null;
   final Token token;
- token = <DOLLAR_ID> [variable = Var(token)]
-  {
-    if (variable == null) {
-      return new Variable(token.image.substring(1),token.sourceStart+1,token.sourceEnd+1);
-    }
-    final StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
-    buff.append(token.image.substring(1));
-    buff.append(variable.toStringExpression());
-    return new Variable(buff.toString(),token.sourceStart+1,variable.sourceEnd+1);
-  }
-  token = <DOLLAR> variable = Var(token)
+  token = <DOLLAR> variable = Var()
-    return new Variable(variable,token.sourceStart,variable.sourceEnd);
+    return variable;
-Variable Var(final Token dollar) :
+Variable Var() :
   Variable variable = null;
-  final Token token;
+  final Token token,token2;
   ConstantIdentifier constant;
+  Expression expression;
-  token = <DOLLAR_ID> [variable = Var(token)]
-  {if (variable == null) {
-     return new Variable(token.image.substring(1),token.sourceStart+1,token.sourceEnd+1);
-   }
-   final StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
-   buff.append(token.image.substring(1));
-   buff.append(variable.toStringExpression());
-   return new Variable(buff.toString(),dollar.sourceStart,variable.sourceEnd);
-   }
-  token = <DOLLAR> variable = Var(token)
-  {return new Variable(variable,dollar.sourceStart,variable.sourceEnd);}
+  token = <DOLLAR> variable = Var()
+  {return new Variable(variable,variable.sourceStart,variable.sourceEnd);}
-  constant = VariableName()
-  {return new Variable(constant.name,dollar.sourceStart,constant.sourceEnd);}
- * A Variable name (without the $)
- * @return a variable name String
- */
-ConstantIdentifier VariableName():
-  final StringBuffer buff;
-  String expr;
-  Expression expression = null;
-  final Token token;
-  Token token2 = null;
   token = <LBRACE> expression = Expression() token2 = <RBRACE>
-  {expr = expression.toStringExpression();
-   buff = new StringBuffer(expr.length()+2);
-   buff.append("{");
-   buff.append(expr);
-   buff.append("}");
-   expr = buff.toString();
-   return new ConstantIdentifier(expr,
-                                 token.sourceStart,
-                                 token2.sourceEnd);
-   }
-  token = <IDENTIFIER>
-  [<LBRACE> expression = Expression() token2 = <RBRACE>]
-  {
-    if (expression == null) {
-      return new ConstantIdentifier(token.image,
-                                    token.sourceStart,
-                                    token.sourceEnd);
-    }
-    expr = expression.toStringExpression();
-    buff = new StringBuffer(token.image.length()+expr.length()+2);
-    buff.append(token.image);
-    buff.append("{");
-    buff.append(expr);
-    buff.append("}");
-    expr = buff.toString();
-    return new ConstantIdentifier(expr,
-                                  token.sourceStart,
-                                  token2.sourceEnd);
-  }
-  var = VariableName()
-    return new Variable(var,
-                        var.sourceStart-1,
-                        var.sourceEnd);
+   return new Variable(expression,
+                       token.sourceStart,
+                       token2.sourceEnd);
-  token = <DOLLAR_ID>
+  token = <IDENTIFIER>
-  return new Variable(token.image,
-                      token.sourceStart+1,
-                      token.sourceEnd+1);
-  } */
+   outlineInfo.addVariable('$' + token.image);
+   return new Variable(token.image,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);
+  }
 Expression VariableInitializer() :
@@ -1209,13 +1207,13 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclaration() :
   token = <FUNCTION>
   try {
     functionDeclaration = MethodDeclarator(token.sourceStart)
-    {outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(functionDeclaration.name));}
+    {outlineInfo.addVariable(functionDeclaration.name);}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     if (errorMessage != null)  throw e;
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
   {currentSegment = functionDeclaration;}
@@ -1234,20 +1232,23 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclarator(final int start) :
   Token identifier = null;
   Token reference = null;
-  final Hashtable formalParameters = new Hashtable();
+  final ArrayList formalParameters = new ArrayList();
   String identifierChar = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
-  final int end;
+  int end = start;
-  [reference = <BIT_AND>]
+  [reference = <BIT_AND> {end = reference.sourceEnd;}]
   try {
     identifier = <IDENTIFIER>
-    {identifierChar = identifier.image;}
+    {
+      identifierChar = identifier.image;
+      end = identifier.sourceEnd;
+    }
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
   end = FormalParameters(formalParameters)
@@ -1280,28 +1281,30 @@ MethodDeclaration MethodDeclarator(final int start) :
  * FormalParameters follows method identifier.
  * (FormalParameter())
-int FormalParameters(final Hashtable parameters) :
+int FormalParameters(final ArrayList parameters) :
   VariableDeclaration var;
   final Token token;
-  int end;
+  Token tok = PHPParser.token;
+  int end = tok.sourceEnd;
   try {
+  tok = <LPAREN>
+  {end = tok.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected after function identifier";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
     var = FormalParameter()
-    {parameters.put(new String(var.name()),var);}
+    {parameters.add(var);end = var.sourceEnd;}
       <COMMA> var = FormalParameter()
-      {parameters.put(new String(var.name()),var);}
+      {parameters.add(var);end = var.sourceEnd;}
   try {
@@ -1310,10 +1313,9 @@ int FormalParameters(final Hashtable parameters) :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "')' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
-    end = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
  {return end;}
@@ -1330,6 +1332,7 @@ VariableDeclaration FormalParameter() :
   [token = <BIT_AND>] variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix()
+    outlineInfo.addVariable('$'+variableDeclaration.name());
     if (token != null) {
@@ -1545,15 +1548,16 @@ Expression EqualityExpression() :
   Expression expr,expr2;
   int operator;
+  Token token;
   expr = RelationalExpression()
-  (   <EQUAL_EQUAL>      {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL;}
-    | <DIF>              {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
-    | <NOT_EQUAL>        {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
-    | <BANGDOUBLEEQUAL>  {operator = OperatorIds.BANG_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
-    | <TRIPLEEQUAL>      {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+  (   token = <EQUAL_EQUAL>      {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+    | token = <DIF>              {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
+    | token = <NOT_EQUAL>        {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
+    | token = <BANGDOUBLEEQUAL>  {operator = OperatorIds.BANG_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+    | token = <TRIPLEEQUAL>      {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
   try {
     expr2 = RelationalExpression()
@@ -1563,9 +1567,10 @@ Expression EqualityExpression() :
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = token.sourceEnd +1;
+    errorEnd   = token.sourceEnd +1;
+    expr2 = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,token.sourceEnd +1,token.sourceEnd +1);
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
     expr = new BinaryExpression(expr,expr2,operator);
@@ -1637,10 +1642,10 @@ Expression MultiplicativeExpression() :
     expr = UnaryExpression()
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
-    errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+e.currentToken.next.image+"'";
+    errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+e.currentToken.next.image+'\'';
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = PHPParser.token.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
@@ -1664,7 +1669,29 @@ Expression UnaryExpression() :
  /* <BIT_AND> expr = UnaryExpressionNoPrefix()             //why did I had that ?
   {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,OperatorIds.AND,pos);}
 |      */
-  expr = AtNotUnaryExpression() {return expr;}
+  expr = AtNotTildeUnaryExpression() {return expr;}
+Expression AtNotTildeUnaryExpression() :
+  final Expression expr;
+  final Token token;
+  token = <AT>
+  expr = AtNotTildeUnaryExpression()
+  {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,OperatorIds.AT,token.sourceStart);}
+  token = <TILDE>
+  expr = AtNotTildeUnaryExpression()
+  {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,OperatorIds.TWIDDLE,token.sourceStart);}
+  token = <BANG>
+  expr = AtNotUnaryExpression()
+  {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,OperatorIds.NOT,token.sourceStart);}
+  expr = UnaryExpressionNoPrefix()
+  {return expr;}
@@ -1695,11 +1722,11 @@ Expression UnaryExpressionNoPrefix() :
   final Token token;
-  token = <PLUS> expr = AtNotUnaryExpression()   {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+  token = <PLUS> expr = AtNotTildeUnaryExpression()   {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,
-  token = <MINUS> expr = AtNotUnaryExpression()  {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+  token = <MINUS> expr = AtNotTildeUnaryExpression()  {return new PrefixedUnaryExpression(expr,
@@ -1742,9 +1769,9 @@ Expression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus() :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "')' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart   = expr.sourceEnd +1;
+    errorEnd     = expr.sourceEnd +1;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   {return expr;}
@@ -1866,7 +1893,9 @@ ArrayInitializer ArrayDeclarator() :
   token = <ARRAY> vars = ArrayInitializer()
-  {return new ArrayInitializer(vars,token.sourceStart,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  {return new ArrayInitializer(vars,
+                               token.sourceStart,
+                               PHPParser.token.sourceEnd);}
 Expression ClassIdentifier():
@@ -1886,12 +1915,26 @@ Expression ClassIdentifier():
 AbstractVariable VariableSuffix(final AbstractVariable prefix) :
   Expression expression = null;
-  final Token classAccessToken;
+  final Token classAccessToken,lbrace,rbrace;
+  Token token;
+  int pos;
   classAccessToken = <CLASSACCESS>
   try {
-    ( expression = VariableName() | expression = Variable() )
+    (
+      lbrace = <LBRACE> expression = Expression() rbrace = <RBRACE>
+                {
+                 expression = new Variable(expression,
+                                           lbrace.sourceStart,
+                                           rbrace.sourceEnd);
+                }
+      |
+        token = <IDENTIFIER>
+        {expression = new ConstantIdentifier(token.image,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);}
+      |
+        expression = Variable()
+    )
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function call or field access expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
@@ -1903,22 +1946,41 @@ AbstractVariable VariableSuffix(final AbstractVariable prefix) :
-  <LBRACKET> [ expression = Expression() | expression = Type() ]  //Not good
+  token = <LBRACKET> {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
+  [  expression = Expression() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}
+   | expression = Type()       {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}]  //Not good
   try {
+    token = <RBRACKET>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "']' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {return new ArrayDeclarator(prefix,expression,pos);}
+  token = <LBRACE> {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
+  [  expression = Expression() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}
+   | expression = Type()       {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}]  //Not good
+  try {
+    token = <RBRACE>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
+  } catch (ParseException e) {
+    errorMessage = "']' expected";
+    errorLevel   = ERROR;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  {return new ArrayDeclarator(prefix,expression,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  {return new ArrayDeclarator(prefix,expression,pos);}//todo : check braces here
 Literal Literal() :
   final Token token;
+  StringLiteral literal;
   token = <INTEGER_LITERAL>        {return new NumberLiteral(token);}
@@ -1927,25 +1989,70 @@ Literal Literal() :
 | token = <TRUE>                   {return new TrueLiteral(token);}
 | token = <FALSE>                  {return new FalseLiteral(token);}
 | token = <NULL>                   {return new NullLiteral(token);}
+| literal = evaluableString()        {return literal;}
+StringLiteral evaluableString() :
+  ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+  Token start,end;
+  Token token,lbrace,rbrace;
+  AbstractVariable var;
+  Expression expr;
+  start = <DOUBLEQUOTE>
+  (
+       (
+        token = <IDENTIFIER> {list.add(new Variable(token.image,
+                                                    token.sourceStart,
+                                                    token.sourceEnd));}
+        |
+         lbrace = <LBRACE1>
+         token = <ID>
+         {list.add(new Variable(token.image,
+                                token.sourceStart,
+                                token.sourceEnd));}
+         rbrace = <RBRACE1>
+       )
+   )*
+  end = <DOUBLEQUOTE2>
+  {
+  AbstractVariable[] vars = new AbstractVariable[list.size()];
+  list.toArray(vars);
+  return new StringLiteral(SimpleCharStream.currentBuffer.substring(start.sourceEnd,end.sourceStart),
+                           start.sourceStart,
+                           end.sourceEnd,
+                           vars);
+  }
 FunctionCall Arguments(final Expression func) :
 Expression[] args = null;
-final Token token;
+final Token token,lparen;
-  <LPAREN> [ args = ArgumentList() ]
+  lparen = <LPAREN> [ args = ArgumentList() ]
   try {
     token = <RPAREN>
+    {return new FunctionCall(func,args,token.sourceEnd);}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected to close the argument list";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    if (args == null) {
+        errorStart = lparen.sourceEnd+1;
+        errorEnd   = lparen.sourceEnd+2;
+    } else {
+        errorStart = args[args.length-1].sourceEnd+1;
+        errorEnd   = args[args.length-1].sourceEnd+2;
+    }
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  {return new FunctionCall(func,args,token.sourceEnd);}
+  {
+  int sourceEnd = (args == null && args.length != 0) ? lparen.sourceEnd+1 : args[args.length-1].sourceEnd;
+  return new FunctionCall(func,args,sourceEnd);}
@@ -1957,20 +2064,23 @@ Expression[] ArgumentList() :
 Expression arg;
 final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+int pos;
+Token token;
   arg = Expression()
-  {list.add(arg);}
-  ( <COMMA>
+  {list.add(arg);pos = arg.sourceEnd;}
+  ( token = <COMMA> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
       try {
         arg = Expression()
-        {list.add(arg);}
+        {list.add(arg);
+         pos = arg.sourceEnd;}
       } catch (ParseException e) {
         errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. An expression expected after a comma in argument list";
         errorLevel   = ERROR;
-        errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-        errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-        throw e;
+        errorStart   = pos+1;
+        errorEnd     = pos+1;
+        processParseException(e);
@@ -2034,9 +2144,9 @@ Statement expressionStatement() :
     if (e.currentToken.next.kind != PHPParserConstants.PHPEND) {
       errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected";
       errorLevel   = ERROR;
-      errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-      errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-      throw e;
+      errorStart = statement.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = statement.sourceEnd+1;
+      processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   {return statement;}
@@ -2044,61 +2154,70 @@ Statement expressionStatement() :
 Define defineStatement() :
-  final int start = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
   Expression defineName,defineValue;
+  final Token defineToken;
+  Token token;
+  int pos;
+  defineToken = <DEFINE> {pos = defineToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   try {
-    <LPAREN>
+    token = <LPAREN>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart   = pos;
+    errorEnd     = pos;
   try {
     defineName = Expression()
+    {pos = defineName.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart   = pos;
+    errorEnd     = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+    defineName = new StringLiteral(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
   try {
-    <COMMA>
+    token = <COMMA>
+    {pos = defineName.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ',' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart   = pos;
+    errorEnd     = pos;
   try {
     defineValue = Expression()
+    {pos = defineValue.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart   = pos;
+    errorEnd     = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+    defineValue = new StringLiteral(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
   try {
-    <RPAREN>
+    token = <RPAREN>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart   = pos;
+    errorEnd     = pos;
   {return new Define(currentSegment,
-                     start,
-                     SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+                     defineToken.sourceStart,
+                     pos);}
@@ -2121,22 +2240,29 @@ HTMLBlock htmlBlock() :
   final int startIndex = nodePtr;
   final AstNode[] blockNodes;
   final int nbNodes;
+  final Token phpEnd;
-  <PHPEND> (phpEchoBlock())*
+  phpEnd = <PHPEND>
+  {htmlStart = phpEnd.sourceEnd;}
+  (phpEchoBlock())*
   try {
+    {PHPParser.createNewHTMLCode();}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected end of file , '<?php' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
   nbNodes    = nodePtr - startIndex;
+  if (nbNodes == 0) {
+    return null;
+  }
   blockNodes = new AstNode[nbNodes];
-  System.arraycopy(nodes,startIndex,blockNodes,0,nbNodes);
+  System.arraycopy(nodes,startIndex+1,blockNodes,0,nbNodes);
   nodePtr = startIndex;
   return new HTMLBlock(blockNodes);}
@@ -2146,54 +2272,60 @@ HTMLBlock htmlBlock() :
 InclusionStatement IncludeStatement() :
-  final Expression expr;
+  Expression expr;
   final int keyword;
   final InclusionStatement inclusionStatement;
   final Token token, token2;
+  int pos;
-      (  token = <REQUIRE>      {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE;}
-       | token = <REQUIRE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE_ONCE;}
-       | token = <INCLUDE>      {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE;}
-       | token = <INCLUDE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE_ONCE;})
+      (  token = <REQUIRE>      {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+       | token = <REQUIRE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE_ONCE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+       | token = <INCLUDE>      {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+       | token = <INCLUDE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE_ONCE;pos=token.sourceEnd;})
   try {
     expr = Expression()
+    {pos = expr.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     if (errorMessage != null) {
       throw e;
     errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+ e.currentToken.next.image+"', expression expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
-  }
-  {inclusionStatement = new InclusionStatement(currentSegment,
-                                               keyword,
-                                               expr,
-                                               token.sourceStart);
-   currentSegment.add(inclusionStatement);
+    errorStart   = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd     = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
+    expr = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+    {pos=token2.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart   = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd     = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+   inclusionStatement = new InclusionStatement(currentSegment,
+                                               keyword,
+                                               expr,
+                                               token.sourceStart,
+                                               pos);
+   currentSegment.add(inclusionStatement);
+   return inclusionStatement;
-  {inclusionStatement.sourceEnd = token2.sourceEnd;
-  return inclusionStatement;}
 PrintExpression PrintExpression() :
   final Expression expr;
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  final Token printToken;
-  <PRINT> expr = Expression() {return new PrintExpression(expr,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  token = <PRINT> expr = Expression()
+  {return new PrintExpression(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);}
 ListExpression ListExpression() :
@@ -2201,13 +2333,14 @@ ListExpression ListExpression() :
   Expression expr = null;
   final Expression expression;
   final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
-  final Token listToken;
+  int pos;
+  final Token listToken, rParen;
+  Token token;
-  listToken = <LIST>
+  listToken = <LIST> {pos = listToken.sourceEnd;}
   try {
-    <LPAREN>
+    token = <LPAREN> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
@@ -2217,29 +2350,31 @@ ListExpression ListExpression() :
     expr = VariableDeclaratorId()
-    {list.add(expr);}
+    {list.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd;}
   {if (expr == null) list.add(null);}
     try {
-      <COMMA>
+      token = <COMMA>
+      {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
     } catch (ParseException e) {
       errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ',' expected";
       errorLevel   = ERROR;
-      errorStart   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-      errorEnd     = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-      throw e;
+      errorStart   = pos+1;
+      errorEnd     = pos+1;
+      processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-    [expr = VariableDeclaratorId() {list.add(expr);}]
+    [expr = VariableDeclaratorId() {list.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd;}]
   try {
-    <RPAREN>
+    rParen = <RPAREN>
+    {pos = rParen.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos+1;
+    errorEnd   = pos+1;
+      processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   [ <ASSIGN> expression = Expression()
@@ -2247,13 +2382,13 @@ ListExpression ListExpression() :
     return new ListExpression(vars,
-                              pos,
-                              SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+                              listToken.sourceStart,
+                              expression.sourceEnd);}
-    final Variable[] vars = new Variable[list.size()];
+    final AbstractVariable[] vars = new AbstractVariable[list.size()];
-    return new ListExpression(vars,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+    return new ListExpression(vars,listToken.sourceStart,pos);}
@@ -2301,33 +2436,35 @@ GlobalStatement GlobalStatement() :
    final ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
    final GlobalStatement global;
    final Token token, token2;
+   int pos;
   token = <GLOBAL>
     expr = Variable()
-    {vars.add(expr);}
+    {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
     expr = Variable()
-    {vars.add(expr);}
+    {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+    {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
+  } catch (ParseException e) {
+    errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
+    errorLevel   = ERROR;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
     final Variable[] variables = new Variable[vars.size()];
     global = new GlobalStatement(currentSegment,
-                                 token2.sourceEnd);
+                                 pos);
     return global;}
-  } catch (ParseException e) {
-    errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
-    errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
-  }
 StaticStatement StaticStatement() :
@@ -2335,27 +2472,29 @@ StaticStatement StaticStatement() :
   final ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
   VariableDeclaration expr;
   final Token token, token2;
+  int pos;
-  token = <STATIC> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);}
+  token = <STATIC> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
-    <COMMA> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);}
+    <COMMA> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+    {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
+  } catch (ParseException e) {
+    errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
+    errorLevel   = ERROR;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseException(e);
+  }
     final VariableDeclaration[] variables = new VariableDeclaration[vars.size()];
     return new StaticStatement(variables,
-                               token2.sourceEnd);}
-  } catch (ParseException e) {
-    errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
-    errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
-  }
+                               pos);}
 LabeledStatement LabeledStatement() :
@@ -2380,32 +2519,43 @@ Block Block() :
   final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
   Statement statement;
   final Token token, token2;
+  int pos,start;
   try {
     token = <LBRACE>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;start=token.sourceStart;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'{' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    pos = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd+1;
+    start=pos;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  ( statement = BlockStatement() {list.add(statement);}
-  | statement = htmlBlock()      {list.add(statement);})*
+  ( statement = BlockStatement() {list.add(statement);pos = statement.sourceEnd+1;}
+  | statement = htmlBlock()      {if (statement != null) {
+                                    list.add(statement);
+                                    pos = statement.sourceEnd+1;
+                                  }
+                                  pos = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd+1;
+                                 }
+  )*
   try {
     token2 = <RBRACE>
+    {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.image +"', '}' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   final Statement[] statements = new Statement[list.size()];
-  return new Block(statements,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
+  return new Block(statements,start,pos);}
 Statement BlockStatement() :
@@ -2504,86 +2654,98 @@ EmptyStatement EmptyStatement() :
 Expression StatementExpression() :
   final Expression expr;
+  final Token operator;
   expr = PreIncDecExpression() {return expr;}
   expr = PrimaryExpression()
-  [ <PLUS_PLUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
-                                                     OperatorIds.PLUS_PLUS,
-                                                     SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
-  | <MINUS_MINUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
-                                                       OperatorIds.MINUS_MINUS,
-                                                       SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  [ operator = <PLUS_PLUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+                                                                OperatorIds.PLUS_PLUS,
+                                                                operator.sourceEnd);}
+  | operator = <MINUS_MINUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+                                                                  OperatorIds.MINUS_MINUS,
+                                                                  operator.sourceEnd);}
   {return expr;}
 SwitchStatement SwitchStatement() :
-  final Expression variable;
+  Expression variable;
   final AbstractCase[] cases;
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
-  final Token switchToken;
+  final Token switchToken,lparenToken,rparenToken;
+  int pos;
-  switchToken = <SWITCH>
+  switchToken = <SWITCH> {pos = switchToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   try {
-    <LPAREN>
+    lparenToken = <LPAREN>
+    {pos = lparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'(' expected after 'switch'";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
-    variable = Expression()
+    variable = Expression() {pos = variable.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     if (errorMessage != null) {
       throw e;
     errorMessage = "expression expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+    variable = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
   try {
-    <RPAREN>
+    rparenToken = <RPAREN> {pos = rparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "')' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  (cases = switchStatementBrace() | cases = switchStatementColon(switchToken.sourceStart, switchToken.sourceEnd))
-  {return new SwitchStatement(variable,cases,switchToken.sourceStart,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  (  cases = switchStatementBrace()
+   | cases = switchStatementColon(switchToken.sourceStart, switchToken.sourceEnd))
+  {return new SwitchStatement(variable,
+                              cases,
+                              switchToken.sourceStart,
+                              PHPParser.token.sourceEnd);}
 AbstractCase[] switchStatementBrace() :
   AbstractCase cas;
   final ArrayList cases = new ArrayList();
+  Token token;
+  int pos;
- ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);})*
+  token = <LBRACE> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
+ ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);pos = cas.sourceEnd;})*
   try {
-    <RBRACE>
-    {
-    final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
-    cases.toArray(abcase);
-    return abcase;}
+    token = <RBRACE>
+    {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'}' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos+1;
+    errorEnd   = pos+1;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+    final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
+    cases.toArray(abcase);
+    return abcase;
  * A Switch statement with : ... endswitch;
  * @param start the begin offset of the switch
@@ -2593,9 +2755,11 @@ AbstractCase[] switchStatementColon(final int start, final int end) :
   AbstractCase cas;
   final ArrayList cases = new ArrayList();
+  Token token;
+  int pos;
-  <COLON>
+  token = <COLON> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   {try {
             "Ugly syntax detected, you should switch () {...} instead of switch (): ... enswitch;",
@@ -2606,28 +2770,29 @@ AbstractCase[] switchStatementColon(final int start, final int end) :
   } catch (CoreException e) {
-  ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);})*
+  ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);pos = cas.sourceEnd;})*
   try {
+    token = <ENDSWITCH> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'endswitch' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos+1;
+    errorEnd   = pos+1;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
-    {
-    final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
-    cases.toArray(abcase);
-    return abcase;}
+    token = <SEMICOLON> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endswitch' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos+1;
+    errorEnd   = pos+1;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+    final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
+    cases.toArray(abcase);
+    return abcase;
@@ -2636,20 +2801,29 @@ AbstractCase switchLabel0() :
   final Expression expr;
   Statement statement;
   final ArrayList stmts = new ArrayList();
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  final Token token = PHPParser.token;
+  final int start = PHPParser.token.next.sourceStart;
   expr = SwitchLabel()
   ( statement = BlockStatementNoBreak() {stmts.add(statement);}
-  | statement = htmlBlock()             {stmts.add(statement);})*
-  [ statement = BreakStatement()        {stmts.add(statement);}]
+  | statement = htmlBlock()             {if (statement != null) {stmts.add(statement);}}
+  | statement = BreakStatement()        {stmts.add(statement);})*
+  //[ statement = BreakStatement()        {stmts.add(statement);}]
-  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[stmts.size()];
-  stmts.toArray(stmtsArray);
-  if (expr == null) {//it's a default
-    return new DefaultCase(stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());
+    final int listSize = stmts.size();
+    final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[listSize];
+    stmts.toArray(stmtsArray);
+    if (expr == null) {//it's a default
+      final int end = PHPParser.token.next.sourceStart;
+      return new DefaultCase(stmtsArray,start,end);
+    }
+    if (listSize != 0) {
+      return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,expr.sourceStart,stmtsArray[listSize-1].sourceEnd);
+    } else {
+      return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,expr.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+    }
-  return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
@@ -2676,7 +2850,6 @@ Expression SwitchLabel() :
   try {
     token = <COLON>
-    {return expr;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "':' expected after case expression";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
@@ -2684,11 +2857,11 @@ Expression SwitchLabel() :
     errorEnd   = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+  {return expr;}
   token = <_DEFAULT>
   try {
-    {return null;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "':' expected after 'default' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
@@ -2696,25 +2869,29 @@ Expression SwitchLabel() :
     errorEnd   = token.sourceEnd+1;
+  {return null;}
 Break BreakStatement() :
   Expression expression = null;
   final Token token, token2;
+  int pos;
-  token = <BREAK> [ expression = Expression() ]
+  token = <BREAK> {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
+  [ expression = Expression() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}]
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+    {pos = token2.sourceEnd;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'break' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = pos;
+    errorEnd   = pos;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  {return new Break(expression, token.sourceStart, token2.sourceEnd);}
+  {return new Break(expression, token.sourceStart, pos);}
 IfStatement IfStatement() :
@@ -2740,8 +2917,8 @@ Expression Condition(final String keyword) :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'(' expected after " + keyword + " keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length();
-    errorEnd   = errorStart +1;
+    errorStart = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd + 1;
+    errorEnd   = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd + 1;
   condition = Expression()
@@ -2750,8 +2927,8 @@ Expression Condition(final String keyword) :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "')' expected after " + keyword + " keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+    errorEnd   = condition.sourceEnd+1;
   {return condition;}
@@ -2774,7 +2951,7 @@ IfStatement IfStatement0(final Expression condition, final int start,final int e
   {stmts = new ArrayList();}
   (  statement = Statement() {stmts.add(statement);}
-   | statement = htmlBlock() {stmts.add(statement);})*
+   | statement = htmlBlock() {if (statement != null) {stmts.add(statement);}})*
    {endStatements = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();}
    (elseifStatement = ElseIfStatementColon() {elseIfList.add(elseifStatement);})*
    [elseStatement = ElseStatementColon()]
@@ -2794,8 +2971,8 @@ IfStatement IfStatement0(final Expression condition, final int start,final int e
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'endif' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
   try {
@@ -2803,8 +2980,8 @@ IfStatement IfStatement0(final Expression condition, final int start,final int e
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endif' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
@@ -2844,8 +3021,8 @@ IfStatement IfStatement0(final Expression condition, final int start,final int e
       errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+e.currentToken.next.image+"', a statement was expected";
       errorLevel   = ERROR;
-      errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-      errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+      errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+      errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
       throw e;
@@ -2865,59 +3042,61 @@ ElseIf ElseIfStatementColon() :
   final Expression condition;
   Statement statement;
   final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  final Token elseifToken;
-  <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif")
+  elseifToken = <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif")
   <COLON> (  statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
-           | statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);})*
+           | statement = htmlBlock() {if (statement != null) {list.add(statement);}})*
-  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+  final int sizeList = list.size();
+  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[sizeList];
-  return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray ,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray ,
+                    elseifToken.sourceStart,
+                    stmtsArray[sizeList-1].sourceEnd);}
 Else ElseStatementColon() :
   Statement statement;
   final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  final Token elseToken;
-  <ELSE> <COLON> (  statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
-                  | statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);})*
+  elseToken = <ELSE> <COLON> (  statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
+                  | statement = htmlBlock() {if (statement != null) {list.add(statement);}})*
-  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+  final int sizeList = list.size();
+  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[sizeList];
-  return new Else(stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  return new Else(stmtsArray,elseToken.sourceStart,stmtsArray[sizeList-1].sourceEnd);}
 ElseIf ElseIfStatement() :
   final Expression condition;
-  final Statement statement;
-  final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  //final Statement statement;
+  final Token elseifToken;
+  final Statement[] statement = new Statement[1];
-  <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif") statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);/*todo:do better*/}
+  elseifToken = <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif") statement[0] = Statement()
-  final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
-  list.toArray(stmtsArray);
-  return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+  return new ElseIf(condition,statement,elseifToken.sourceStart,statement[0].sourceEnd);}
 WhileStatement WhileStatement() :
   final Expression condition;
   final Statement action;
-  final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+  final Token whileToken;
-  <WHILE>
+  whileToken = <WHILE>
     condition = Condition("while")
-    action    = WhileStatement0(pos,pos + 5)
-    {return new WhileStatement(condition,action,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+    action    = WhileStatement0(whileToken.sourceStart,whileToken.sourceEnd)
+    {return new WhileStatement(condition,action,whileToken.sourceStart,action.sourceEnd);}
 Statement WhileStatement0(final int start, final int end) :
@@ -2943,8 +3122,8 @@ Statement WhileStatement0(final int start, final int end) :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'endwhile' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
   try {
@@ -2956,8 +3135,8 @@ Statement WhileStatement0(final int start, final int end) :
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endwhile' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
     throw e;
@@ -2969,91 +3148,110 @@ DoStatement DoStatement() :
   final Statement action;
   final Expression condition;
-  final Token token, token2;
+  final Token token;
+  Token token2 = null;
   token = <DO> action = Statement() <WHILE> condition = Condition("while")
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
-    {return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+    errorEnd   = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+    if (token2 == null) {
+      return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,condition.sourceEnd);
+    }
+    return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
 ForeachStatement ForeachStatement() :
-  Statement statement;
-  Expression expression;
-  ArrayVariableDeclaration variable;
-  Token token;
+  Statement statement = null;
+  Expression expression = null;
+  ArrayVariableDeclaration variable = null;
+  Token foreachToken;
+  Token lparenToken = null;
+  Token asToken = null;
+  Token rparenToken = null;
+  int pos;
-  token = <FOREACH>
-    try {
-    <LPAREN>
+  foreachToken = <FOREACH>
+  try {
+    lparenToken = <LPAREN>
+    {pos = lparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'(' expected after 'foreach' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+    {pos = foreachToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   try {
     expression = Expression()
+    {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "variable expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
-    <AS>
+    asToken = <AS>
+    {pos = asToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "'as' expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
     variable = ArrayVariable()
+    {pos = variable.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
+    if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
     errorMessage = "variable expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
-    <RPAREN>
+    rparenToken = <RPAREN>
+    {pos = rparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "')' expected after 'foreach' keyword";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
   try {
     statement = Statement()
+    {pos = statement.sourceEnd+1;}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
     errorMessage = "statement expected";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
+    errorEnd   = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
-  {return new ForeachStatement(expression,
+  {
+   return new ForeachStatement(expression,
-                               token.sourceStart,
-                               statement.sourceEnd);}
+                               foreachToken.sourceStart,
+                               pos);}
@@ -3063,8 +3261,8 @@ ForeachStatement ForeachStatement() :
 ForStatement ForStatement() :
-final Token token,token2;
-final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+final Token token,tokenEndFor,token2,tokenColon;
+int pos;
 Expression[] initializations = null;
 Expression condition = null;
 Expression[] increments = null;
@@ -3094,8 +3292,8 @@ final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-      <COLON>
-      (action = Statement() {list.add(action);})*
+      tokenColon = <COLON> {pos = tokenColon.sourceEnd+1;}
+      (action = Statement() {list.add(action);pos = action.sourceEnd+1;})*
         try {
@@ -3109,34 +3307,36 @@ final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
       try {
-        <ENDFOR>
+        tokenEndFor = <ENDFOR>
+        {pos = tokenEndFor.sourceEnd+1;}
       } catch (ParseException e) {
         errorMessage = "'endfor' expected";
         errorLevel   = ERROR;
-        errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-        errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-        throw e;
+        errorStart = pos;
+        errorEnd   = pos;
+        processParseExceptionDebug(e);
       try {
         token2 = <SEMICOLON>
-        {
-        final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
-        list.toArray(stmtsArray);
-        return new ForStatement(initializations,
-                                condition,
-                                increments,
-                                new Block(stmtsArray,
-                                          stmtsArray[0].sourceStart,
-                                          stmtsArray[stmtsArray.length-1].sourceEnd),
-                                token.sourceStart,
-                                token2.sourceEnd);}
+        {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
       } catch (ParseException e) {
         errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endfor' keyword";
         errorLevel   = ERROR;
-        errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-        errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-        throw e;
+        errorStart = pos;
+        errorEnd   = pos;
+        processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+      {
+      final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+      list.toArray(stmtsArray);
+      return new ForStatement(initializations,
+                              condition,
+                              increments,
+                              new Block(stmtsArray,
+                                        stmtsArray[0].sourceStart,
+                                        stmtsArray[stmtsArray.length-1].sourceEnd),
+                              token.sourceStart,
+                              pos);}
@@ -3171,38 +3371,66 @@ Expression[] StatementExpressionList() :
 Continue ContinueStatement() :
   Expression expr = null;
-  final Token token,token2;
+  final Token token;
+  Token token2 = null;
   token = <CONTINUE> [ expr = Expression() ]
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
-    {return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'continue' statement";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
+    if (expr == null) {
+      errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = token.sourceEnd+1;
+    } else {
+      errorStart = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+    }
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+    if (token2 == null) {
+      if (expr == null) {
+        return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);
+      }
+      return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+    }
+    return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
 ReturnStatement ReturnStatement() :
   Expression expr = null;
-  final Token token,token2;
+  final Token token;
+  Token token2 = null;
   token = <RETURN> [ expr = Expression() ]
   try {
     token2 = <SEMICOLON>
-    {return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     errorMessage = "';' expected after 'return' statement";
     errorLevel   = ERROR;
-    errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
-    errorEnd   = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
-    throw e;
- }
+    if (expr == null) {
+      errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = token.sourceEnd+1;
+    } else {
+      errorStart = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+      errorEnd   = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+    }
+    processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+  }
+  {
+    if (token2 == null) {
+      if (expr == null) {
+        return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);
+      }
+      return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+    }
+    return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
+  }