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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpunit/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpunit/testpool/TestPool.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpunit/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpunit/testpool/TestPool.java
index 008cb3d..eda03a0 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpunit/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpunit/testpool/TestPool.java
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpunit/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpunit/testpool/TestPool.java
@@ -1,70 +1,68 @@
- * Created on Jul 31, 2004
+ * @author Ali Echihabi (ali_echihabi@ieee.org, ali.echihabi@souss.ca)
- * To change the template for this generated file go to
- * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
- */
+ * Plugin for PHP unit Testing.
+ * www.phpeclipse.de
+ * 
+ *************************************************************************/
 package net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpunit.testpool;
 import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Vector;
- * @author Ali Echihabi
- *
- * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
- * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
- */
 public class TestPool {
-	//private TestSuite currentParentTestSuite;
+	// private TestSuite currentParentTestSuite;
 	private HashMap tests;
 	private TestSuite root;
 	private TestSuite currentTestSuite;
 	public TestPool(String rootTitle) {
 		tests = new HashMap();
-		root = new TestSuite(rootTitle, "-1", 0);
+		root = null;
 		currentTestSuite = root;
 	 * @param test
 	public void addTest(TestCase test) {
 		tests.put(test.getTestID(), test);
-		//if we run all tests. then this is the end of this test suite.
-		if( currentTestSuite != root && currentTestSuite.isFinished()) {
+		// if we run all tests. then this is the end of this test suite.
+		if (currentTestSuite != root && currentTestSuite.isFinished()) {
 			currentTestSuite = currentTestSuite.getParent();
-		} 				
-	} 
+		}
+	}
 	 * @param suite
 	 * @param numTestsRunSinceStartOfTestSuite
 	public void addTestSuite(TestSuite suite) {
-    	//add as sibling
-		currentTestSuite.addTestSuite(suite);
-		suite.setParent(currentTestSuite);
+		if (root == null) {
+			root = suite;
+		} else {
+			// add as sibling
+			currentTestSuite.addTestSuite(suite);
+			suite.setParent(currentTestSuite);
+		}
 		currentTestSuite = suite;
@@ -73,10 +71,10 @@ public class TestPool {
 	 * @return
 	public TestSuite getRoot() {
 		return root;
 	 * @param r
@@ -84,97 +82,81 @@ public class TestPool {
 		this.root = r;
 	 * @param testID
 	 * @return
 	public TestCase getTest(String testID) {
 		return (TestCase) tests.get(testID);
 	public String toString() {
 		String string = "";
-		TestSuite node = root;
+		//TestSuite node = root;
 		string = root.toString();
-		return string;			
-	}
+		return string;
-	private int countSuiteExpectedTests(TestSuite suite) {
-		int total = 0;
-		total += suite.getNumTestCasesExpected();
-		for(int i = 0; i < suite.getTestSuites().size(); i++) 
-			total += countSuiteExpectedTests((TestSuite) suite.getTestSuites().elementAt(i));
-		return total;
 	public int getNumTestsOverall() {
-		return countSuiteExpectedTests(root);
+		int total = root.getNumTestCasesExpected();
+		System.out.println("total: " + total);
+		return total;
 	public int getNumTestsRun() {
 		return tests.size();
 	public int getNumFailures() {
 		int total = 0;
-		Iterator i = tests.keySet().iterator();
-		String key = "";
-		while (i.hasNext()) {
-			key = (String) i.next();
-			TestCase element = (TestCase) tests.get(key);
-			if(element.isFailure())
-				total++;
-		}
+		// Iterator i = tests.keySet().iterator();
+		// String key = "";
+		// while (i.hasNext()) {
+		//			
+		//			
+		// key = (String) i.next();
+		// TestCase element = (TestCase) tests.get(key);
+		//			
+		//			
+		// if(element.isFailure())
+		// total++;
+		//			
+		// }
 		return total;
 	public int getNumErrors() {
 		int total = 0;
-//		Iterator i = tests.keySet().iterator();
-//		String key = "";
-//		while (i.hasNext()) {
-//			key = (String) i.next();
-//			TestCase element = (TestCase) tests.get(key);
-//			if(element.isError())
-//				total++;
-//		}
+		// Iterator i = tests.keySet().iterator();
+		// String key = "";
+		// while (i.hasNext()) {
+		//			
+		//			
+		// key = (String) i.next();
+		// TestCase element = (TestCase) tests.get(key);
+		//						
+		// if(element.isError())
+		// total++;
+		//			
+		// }
 		return total;