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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/PHPTextHover.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/PHPTextHover.java
index 308f746..81b66fe 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/PHPTextHover.java
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/PHPTextHover.java
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. and others.
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. and others.
+ All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
-    IBM Corporation - Initial implementation
-    Klaus Hartlage - www.eclipseproject.de
+ Contributors:
+ IBM Corporation - Initial implementation
+ www.phpeclipse.de
+ **********************************************************************/
 package net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor;
 import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Vector;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.corext.phpdoc.PHPDocUtil;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.builder.IdentifierIndexManager;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.builder.PHPIdentifierLocation;
@@ -29,51 +28,54 @@ import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextHover;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
- * Implementation for an <code>ITextHover</code> 
- * which hovers over PHP code.
+ * Implementation for an <code>ITextHover</code> which hovers over PHP code.
 public class PHPTextHover implements ITextHover {
   public static HashMap functionDescriptions = null;
   private static PHPWordExtractor phpWordDetector = new PHPWordExtractor();
+  /**
+   * The current project; maybe <code>null</code> for preference pages
+   */
   private IProject fProject;
   public PHPTextHover(IProject project) {
     fProject = project;
-  /* (non-Javadoc)
-   * Method declared on ITextHover
+  /*
+   * (non-Javadoc) Method declared on ITextHover
   public String getHoverInfo(ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) {
     if (hoverRegion != null) {
       try {
         if (hoverRegion.getLength() > -1) {
-          String word = textViewer.getDocument().get(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength());
+          String word = textViewer.getDocument().get(hoverRegion.getOffset(),
+              hoverRegion.getLength());
           if (functionDescriptions == null) {
             functionDescriptions = new HashMap();
-            //			PHPSyntaxRdr syntaxRdr = new PHPSyntaxRdr();
-            //			syntaxRdr.readInSyntax();
-            //			Vector syntaxbuffer = syntaxRdr.getsyntaxdata();
-            Vector syntaxbuffer = PHPSyntaxRdr.getsyntaxdata();
+            ArrayList syntaxbuffer = PHPSyntaxRdr.getSyntaxData();
             String strbuffer = null;
             PHPElement elbuffer = null;
-            while ((syntaxbuffer != null)
-              && (!syntaxbuffer.isEmpty() && ((elbuffer = (PHPElement) syntaxbuffer.remove(0)) != null))) {
-              functionDescriptions.put(elbuffer.getName(), elbuffer.getHoverText());
+            if (syntaxbuffer != null) {
+              for (int i = 0; i < syntaxbuffer.size(); i++) {
+                elbuffer = (PHPElement) syntaxbuffer.get(i);
+                functionDescriptions.put(elbuffer.getName(), elbuffer
+                    .getHoverText());
+              }
-            //            functionDescriptions = new HashMap(997);
-            //            for (int i=0; i<PHPFunctionNames.FUNCTION_NAMES.length;i++) {
-            //              functionDescriptions.put(PHPFunctionNasmes.FUNCTION_NAMES[i],PHPFunctionDescription.FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION[i]);
+            //            
+            //            while ((syntaxbuffer != null)
+            //              && (!syntaxbuffer.isEmpty() && ((elbuffer = (PHPElement)
+            // syntaxbuffer.remove(0)) != null))) {
+            //              functionDescriptions.put(elbuffer.getName(),
+            // elbuffer.getHoverText());
             //            }
-          String hoverInfo = (String) functionDescriptions.get(word);
+          String hoverInfo = 
+            (String) functionDescriptions.get(word);
           if (hoverInfo == null && fProject != null) {
             // get the possible PHPDoc information from the index file
-            IdentifierIndexManager indexManager = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getIndexManager(fProject);
+            IdentifierIndexManager indexManager = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault()
+                .getIndexManager(fProject);
             List list = indexManager.getLocations(word);
             if (list.size() > 0) {
               try {
@@ -81,27 +83,21 @@ public class PHPTextHover implements ITextHover {
                 String filename;
                 FileReader phpdocFileReader;
                 StringBuffer hoverInfoBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-                String workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-                boolean foundPHPdoc = false;
-                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
-                  location = (PHPIdentifierLocation) list.get(0);
-                  if (location.getPHPDocOffset() >= 0) {
-                    foundPHPdoc = true;
-                    filename = workspaceLocation + location.getFilename();
-                    phpdocFileReader = new FileReader(filename);
-                    hoverInfoBuffer.append("PHPdoc found in file: ");
-                    hoverInfoBuffer.append(filename);
-                    hoverInfoBuffer.append('\n');
-                    char[] charArray = new char[location.getPHPDocLength()];
-                    phpdocFileReader.skip(location.getPHPDocOffset());
-                    phpdocFileReader.read(charArray, 0, location.getPHPDocLength());
-                    hoverInfoBuffer.append(charArray);
-                    hoverInfoBuffer.append('\n');
-                  }
+                String workspaceLocation;
+                if (fProject!=null) {
+                  workspaceLocation = fProject.getLocation().toString()+'/';
+                } else {
+                  // should never happen?
+                  workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace()
+                  .getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-                if (foundPHPdoc) {
-                  hoverInfo = hoverInfoBuffer.toString();
+                //                boolean foundPHPdoc = false;
+                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+                  location = (PHPIdentifierLocation) list.get(i);
+                  filename = workspaceLocation + location.getFilename();
+                  PHPDocUtil.appendPHPDoc(hoverInfoBuffer, filename, location);
+                hoverInfo = hoverInfoBuffer.toString();
               } catch (Throwable e) {
                 // ignore exceptions
                 // e.printStackTrace();
@@ -114,16 +110,19 @@ public class PHPTextHover implements ITextHover {
       } catch (Exception x) {
-    return "empty selection";
+    return null;
+    // don't show this annoying text
+    //    return "empty selection";
-  /* (non-Javadoc)
-   * Method declared on ITextHover
+  /*
+   * (non-Javadoc) Method declared on ITextHover
   public IRegion getHoverRegion(ITextViewer textViewer, int offset) {
-    Point selection = PHPWordExtractor.findWord(textViewer.getDocument(), offset);
+    Point selection = PHPWordExtractor.findWord(textViewer.getDocument(),
+        offset);
     //  show the extracted word as a tooltip
-    if (selection != null && selection.x <= offset && offset < selection.x + selection.y)
+    if (selection != null && selection.x <= offset
+        && offset < selection.x + selection.y)
       return new Region(selection.x, selection.y);
     return new Region(offset, 0);