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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.webbrowser/plugin.properties b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.webbrowser/plugin.properties
index a23bc71..d5761b0 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.webbrowser/plugin.properties
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.webbrowser/plugin.properties
@@ -7,36 +7,14 @@ extensionPointURLMap=URL Map
 extensionPointFavorites=Favorite URLs
 # --- Internal Web Browser ---
-internalWebBrowserName=PHP Web Browser
 viewWebBrowserTitle=PHP Web Browser
 # Actions
-actionWebBrowserGo=Go to the selected URL
-actionWebBrowserBack=Back to the previous page
-actionWebBrowserForward=Forward to the next page
-actionWebBrowserStop=Stop loading the current page
-actionWebBrowserRefresh=Refresh the current page
-actionWebBrowserPrint=Print the current page
-actionWebBrowserNoFavorites=No Favorites
-actionWebBrowserOrganizeFavorites=Organize Favorites...
 # Status text
-webBrowserStatusUninitialized=Not ready
 # message if a resource is deleted
-dialogResourceDeletedTitle=Web Resource Deleted
-dialogResourceDeletedMessage=The file {0} initially opened in the Web Browser has been deleted from the file system. Do you want to ignore the deletion or close the Web Browser?
-dialogOrganizeFavoritesTitle=Organize Favorites
-dialogOrganizeFavoritesMessage=Organize favorite URLs below. Select the name or URL to edit.
 # --------------- Action Sets (toolbar icon groups) ---------------
@@ -48,51 +26,10 @@ actionSetSwitchBrowser=Web Browser
 # --------------- Preferences ---------------
 # Name of the preference pages
-preferenceInternetDescription=General internet settings are available in the contained preference pages.
 preferenceWebBrowserTitle=Browser Configurations 
-preferenceWebBrowserTitleLong=Installed Web Browsers
-preferenceWebBrowserDescription=Add, remove, or edit installed Web browsers.\nThe selected Web browser will be used whenever Web pages are opened.
 # Web Browser preferences
-prefUseInternalBrowser=Use the &internal Web Browser
-prefBrowserNewPage=&Open a new page for each request
-prefUseExternalBrowser=Use e&xternal Web Browser
-errorCouldNotLaunchWebBrowser=Could not launch external Web Browser for {0}. Check the Web Browser preferences.
-errorNoBrowser=Could not open a Web browser because there are none configured. Check the Web Browser preferences.
-browserList=Installed &Web Browsers:
-createBrowser=Add Installed Web Browser
-editInternalBrowser=Internal Web Browser
-editExternalBrowser=Edit Installed Web Browser
-clearURLHistory=Clear URL history when exiting workbench
-clearURLHistoryNow=Clear URL History Now
-parametersMessage=(Use {0} to include the URL)
-browseMessage=Specify the location of the Web Browser executable
-errorCouldNotLaunchInternalWebBrowser=Could not launch internal Web Browser. Please set an external browser in the Browser preferences.
-searchingTaskName=Searching for Web browsers...
-searching=Found {0} - Searching {1}
-searchingNoneFound=No Web browsers were found.
-selectDirectory=Select a directory to search for Web browsers:
-directoryDialogTitle=Directory Selection
-locationInvalid=The location value is not a valid path name.
-browserInternetExplorer=Internet Explorer
-browserNetscape4=Netscape Communicator v4.x
-browserNetscape7=Netscape v7.x
-browserExternal=External Browser
\ No newline at end of file