X-Git-Url: http://secure.phpeclipse.com diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParserConstants.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParserConstants.java index 663594d..6fc6c54 100644 --- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParserConstants.java +++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/test/PHPParserConstants.java @@ -8,134 +8,145 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { int PHPSTARTLONG = 2; int PHPECHOSTART = 3; int PHPEND = 4; - int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 15; - int CLASS = 21; - int FUNCTION = 22; - int VAR = 23; - int IF = 24; - int ELSEIF = 25; - int ELSE = 26; - int ARRAY = 27; - int BREAK = 28; - int LIST = 29; - int PRINT = 30; - int ECHO = 31; - int INCLUDE = 32; - int REQUIRE = 33; - int INCLUDE_ONCE = 34; - int REQUIRE_ONCE = 35; - int GLOBAL = 36; - int STATIC = 37; - int CLASSACCESS = 38; - int STATICCLASSACCESS = 39; - int ARRAYASSIGN = 40; - int CASE = 41; - int CONST = 42; - int CONTINUE = 43; - int _DEFAULT = 44; - int DO = 45; - int EXTENDS = 46; - int FOR = 47; - int GOTO = 48; - int NEW = 49; - int NULL = 50; - int RETURN = 51; - int SUPER = 52; - int SWITCH = 53; - int THIS = 54; - int TRUE = 55; - int FALSE = 56; - int WHILE = 57; - int ENDWHILE = 58; - int ENDSWITCH = 59; - int ENDIF = 60; - int ENDFOR = 61; - int FOREACH = 62; - int AS = 63; - int STRING = 64; - int OBJECT = 65; - int BOOL = 66; - int BOOLEAN = 67; - int REAL = 68; - int DOUBLE = 69; - int FLOAT = 70; - int INT = 71; - int INTEGER = 72; - int AT = 73; - int DOLLAR = 74; - int BANG = 75; - int TILDE = 76; - int HOOK = 77; - int COLON = 78; - int OR_OR = 79; - int AND_AND = 80; - int PLUS_PLUS = 81; - int MINUS_MINUS = 82; - int PLUS = 83; - int MINUS = 84; - int STAR = 85; - int SLASH = 86; - int BIT_AND = 87; - int BIT_OR = 88; - int XOR = 89; - int REMAINDER = 90; - int LSHIFT = 91; - int RSIGNEDSHIFT = 92; - int RUNSIGNEDSHIFT = 93; - int _ORL = 94; - int _ANDL = 95; - int INTEGER_LITERAL = 96; - int DECIMAL_LITERAL = 97; - int HEX_LITERAL = 98; - int OCTAL_LITERAL = 99; - int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 100; - int EXPONENT = 101; - int STRING_LITERAL = 102; - int STRING_1 = 103; - int STRING_2 = 104; - int STRING_3 = 105; - int IDENTIFIER = 106; - int LETTER = 107; - int DIGIT = 108; - int SPECIAL = 109; - int LPAREN = 110; - int RPAREN = 111; - int LBRACE = 112; - int RBRACE = 113; - int LBRACKET = 114; - int RBRACKET = 115; - int SEMICOLON = 116; - int COMMA = 117; - int DOT = 118; - int GT = 119; - int LT = 120; - int EQUAL_EQUAL = 121; - int LE = 122; - int GE = 123; - int NOT_EQUAL = 124; - int DIF = 125; - int BANGDOUBLEEQUAL = 126; - int TRIPLEEQUAL = 127; - int ASSIGN = 128; - int PLUSASSIGN = 129; - int MINUSASSIGN = 130; - int STARASSIGN = 131; - int SLASHASSIGN = 132; - int ANDASSIGN = 133; - int ORASSIGN = 134; - int XORASSIGN = 135; - int DOTASSIGN = 136; - int REMASSIGN = 137; - int TILDEEQUAL = 138; - int LSHIFTASSIGN = 139; - int RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 140; - int DOLLAR_ID = 141; + int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 20; + int CLASS = 27; + int FUNCTION = 28; + int VAR = 29; + int IF = 30; + int ELSEIF = 31; + int ELSE = 32; + int ARRAY = 33; + int BREAK = 34; + int LIST = 35; + int PRINT = 36; + int ECHO = 37; + int INCLUDE = 38; + int REQUIRE = 39; + int INCLUDE_ONCE = 40; + int REQUIRE_ONCE = 41; + int GLOBAL = 42; + int DEFINE = 43; + int STATIC = 44; + int CLASSACCESS = 45; + int STATICCLASSACCESS = 46; + int ARRAYASSIGN = 47; + int CASE = 48; + int CONST = 49; + int CONTINUE = 50; + int _DEFAULT = 51; + int DO = 52; + int EXTENDS = 53; + int FOR = 54; + int GOTO = 55; + int NEW = 56; + int NULL = 57; + int RETURN = 58; + int SUPER = 59; + int SWITCH = 60; + int THIS = 61; + int TRUE = 62; + int FALSE = 63; + int WHILE = 64; + int ENDWHILE = 65; + int ENDSWITCH = 66; + int ENDIF = 67; + int ENDFOR = 68; + int FOREACH = 69; + int AS = 70; + int STRING = 71; + int OBJECT = 72; + int BOOL = 73; + int BOOLEAN = 74; + int REAL = 75; + int DOUBLE = 76; + int FLOAT = 77; + int INT = 78; + int INTEGER = 79; + int AT = 80; + int BANG = 81; + int TILDE = 82; + int HOOK = 83; + int COLON = 84; + int OR_OR = 85; + int AND_AND = 86; + int PLUS_PLUS = 87; + int MINUS_MINUS = 88; + int PLUS = 89; + int MINUS = 90; + int STAR = 91; + int SLASH = 92; + int BIT_AND = 93; + int BIT_OR = 94; + int XOR = 95; + int REMAINDER = 96; + int LSHIFT = 97; + int RSIGNEDSHIFT = 98; + int RUNSIGNEDSHIFT = 99; + int _ORL = 100; + int _ANDL = 101; + int INTEGER_LITERAL = 102; + int DECIMAL_LITERAL = 103; + int HEX_LITERAL = 104; + int OCTAL_LITERAL = 105; + int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 106; + int EXPONENT = 107; + int STRING_LITERAL = 108; + int STRING_2 = 109; + int STRING_3 = 110; + int ESCAPED = 111; + int DOUBLEQUOTE = 112; + int DOLLARS = 113; + int DOUBLEQUOTE2 = 114; + int LBRACE1 = 115; + int RBRACE1 = 119; + int ID = 120; + int DOLLAR = 123; + int IDENTIFIER = 124; + int LETTER = 125; + int DIGIT = 126; + int SPECIAL = 127; + int LPAREN = 129; + int RPAREN = 130; + int LBRACE = 131; + int RBRACE = 132; + int LBRACKET = 133; + int RBRACKET = 134; + int SEMICOLON = 135; + int COMMA = 136; + int DOT = 137; + int GT = 138; + int LT = 139; + int EQUAL_EQUAL = 140; + int LE = 141; + int GE = 142; + int NOT_EQUAL = 143; + int DIF = 144; + int BANGDOUBLEEQUAL = 145; + int TRIPLEEQUAL = 146; + int ASSIGN = 147; + int PLUSASSIGN = 148; + int MINUSASSIGN = 149; + int STARASSIGN = 150; + int SLASHASSIGN = 151; + int ANDASSIGN = 152; + int ORASSIGN = 153; + int XORASSIGN = 154; + int DOTASSIGN = 155; + int REMASSIGN = 156; + int TILDEEQUAL = 157; + int LSHIFTASSIGN = 158; + int RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 159; int DEFAULT = 0; int PHPPARSING = 1; int IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 2; - int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 3; - int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 4; + int IN_VARIABLE = 3; + int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 4; + int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 5; + int IN_STRING = 6; + int DOLLAR_IN_STRING = 7; + int SKIPSTRING = 8; + int DOLLAR_IN_STRING_EXPR = 9; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", @@ -149,16 +160,22 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", + "\" \"", + "\"\\t\"", + "\"\\n\"", + "\"\\r\"", + "\"\\f\"", "\"//\"", "\"#\"", - "<token of kind 13>", + "<token of kind 18>", "\"/*\"", "<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT>", - "\"?>\"", + "<token of kind 21>", "\"todo\"", + "\"TODO\"", "\"*/\"", "\"*/\"", - "<token of kind 20>", + "<token of kind 26>", "\"class\"", "\"function\"", "\"var\"", @@ -175,6 +192,7 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { "\"include_once\"", "\"require_once\"", "\"global\"", + "\"define\"", "\"static\"", "\"->\"", "\"::\"", @@ -212,7 +230,6 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { "\"int\"", "\"integer\"", "\"@\"", - "\"$\"", "\"!\"", "\"~\"", "\"?\"", @@ -241,13 +258,26 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { "<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL>", "<EXPONENT>", "<STRING_LITERAL>", - "<STRING_1>", "<STRING_2>", "<STRING_3>", + "<ESCAPED>", + "\"\\\"\"", + "\"$\"", + "\"\\\"\"", + "\"{\"", + "\"{\"", + "\"}\"", + "<token of kind 118>", + "\"}\"", + "<ID>", + "<token of kind 121>", + "<token of kind 122>", + "\"$\"", "<IDENTIFIER>", "<LETTER>", "<DIGIT>", "<SPECIAL>", + "<token of kind 128>", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"{\"", @@ -279,7 +309,6 @@ public interface PHPParserConstants { "\"~=\"", "\"<<=\"", "\">>=\"", - "<DOLLAR_ID>", }; }