IPath localPath;
Iterator iterator;
String fileName;
- String file;
+ //String file;
String local;
fileName = ((PHPStackFrame) stackFrame).getFileName (); // Get the filename as it is submitted by DBG
- file = "";
+ //file = "";
if (remoteDebug) { // Is it a remote debugging session
path = new Path (fileName); // Create a IPath object for the server side filename
if (!remoteSourcePath.isEmpty()) {
if (remoteSourcePath.isPrefixOf (path)) { // Is the server side filename with the remote source path
path = path.removeFirstSegments (remoteSourcePath.matchingFirstSegments (path)); // Remove the remote source path
- file = path.toString (); // The filename without the remote source path
- projectPath = (PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).getFullPath()); // Get the absolute project path
+ //file = path.toString (); // The filename without the remote source path
+ projectPath = (PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).getLocation()); // Get the absolute project path
return (projectPath.append (path)).toOSString (); // Return the filename as absolute client side path
localPath = new Path (local); // Create new IPath object for the local/client side path
path = localPath.append (path); // Prepend the project relative path to filename
- projectPath = (PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).getFullPath()); // Get the absolute project path
+ projectPath = (PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).getLocation()); // Get the absolute project path
return (projectPath.append (path)).toOSString (); // Return the filename as absolute client side path