package net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor; /* * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001. * All Rights Reserved. */ import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer; public class PrintMarginPainter implements IPainter, PaintListener { private StyledText fTextWidget; private int fMarginWidth= 80; private Color fColor; private int fLineStyle= SWT.LINE_SOLID; private int fLineWidth= 1; private int fCachedWidgetX= -1; private boolean fIsActive= false; public PrintMarginPainter(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { fTextWidget= sourceViewer.getTextWidget(); } public void setMarginRulerColumn(int width) { fMarginWidth= width; intialize(); } public void setMarginRulerStyle(int lineStyle) { fLineStyle= lineStyle; } public void setMarginRulerWidth(int lineWidth) { fLineWidth= lineWidth; } /** * Must be called before <code>paint</code> is called the first time. */ public void setMarginRulerColor(Color color) { fColor= color; } /** * Must be called explicitly when font of text widget changes. */ public void intialize() { computeWidgetX(); fTextWidget.redraw(); } private void computeWidgetX() { GC gc= new GC(fTextWidget); int pixels= gc.getFontMetrics().getAverageCharWidth(); gc.dispose(); fCachedWidgetX= pixels * fMarginWidth; } /* * @see IPainter#deactivate(boolean) */ public void deactivate(boolean redraw) { if (fIsActive) { fIsActive= false; fTextWidget.removePaintListener(this); if (redraw) fTextWidget.redraw(); } } /* * @see IPainter#dispose() */ public void dispose() { fTextWidget= null; } /* * @see IPainter#paint(int) */ public void paint(int reason) { if (!fIsActive) { fIsActive= true; fTextWidget.addPaintListener(this); if (fCachedWidgetX == -1) computeWidgetX(); fTextWidget.redraw(); } } /* * @see IPainter#setPositionManager(IPositionManager) */ public void setPositionManager(IPositionManager manager) { } /* * @see PaintListener#paintControl(PaintEvent) */ public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { if (fTextWidget != null) { int x= fCachedWidgetX - fTextWidget.getHorizontalPixel(); if (x >= 0) { Rectangle area= fTextWidget.getClientArea(); e.gc.setForeground(fColor); e.gc.setLineStyle(fLineStyle); e.gc.setLineWidth(fLineWidth); e.gc.drawLine(x, 0, x, area.height); } } } }