/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.Flags; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IField; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IImportContainer; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IJavaElement; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IMethod; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.JavaModelException; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.Signature; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.IProblem; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.ISourceElementRequestor; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.util.ReferenceInfoAdapter; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.corext.Assert; /** * A requestor for the fuzzy parser, used to compute the children of an ICompilationUnit. */ public class CompilationUnitStructureRequestor extends ReferenceInfoAdapter implements ISourceElementRequestor { /** * The handle to the compilation unit being parsed */ protected ICompilationUnit fUnit; /** * The info object for the compilation unit being parsed */ protected CompilationUnitElementInfo fUnitInfo; /** * The import container info - null until created */ protected JavaElementInfo fImportContainerInfo = null; /** * Hashtable of children elements of the compilation unit. * Children are added to the table as they are found by * the parser. Keys are handles, values are corresponding * info objects. */ protected Map fNewElements; /** * Stack of parent scope info objects. The info on the * top of the stack is the parent of the next element found. * For example, when we locate a method, the parent info object * will be the type the method is contained in. */ protected Stack fInfoStack; /** * Stack of parent handles, corresponding to the info stack. We * keep both, since info objects do not have back pointers to * handles. */ protected Stack fHandleStack; /** * The name of the source file being parsed. */ protected char[] fSourceFileName = null; /** * The dot-separated name of the package the compilation unit * is contained in - based on the package statement in the * compilation unit, and initialized by #acceptPackage. * Initialized to null for the default package. */ protected char[] fPackageName = null; /** * The number of references reported thus far. Used to * expand the arrays of reference kinds and names. */ protected int fRefCount = 0; /** * The initial size of the reference kind and name * arrays. If the arrays fill, they are doubled in * size */ protected static int fgReferenceAllocation = 50; /** * Problem requestor which will get notified of discovered problems */ protected boolean hasSyntaxErrors = false; /* * The parser this requestor is using. */ // protected Parser parser; protected Parser parser; /** * Empty collections used for efficient initialization */ protected static String[] fgEmptyStringArray = new String[0]; protected static byte[] fgEmptyByte = new byte[] { }; protected static char[][] fgEmptyCharChar = new char[][] { }; protected static char[] fgEmptyChar = new char[] { }; protected HashtableOfObject fieldRefCache; protected HashtableOfObject messageRefCache; protected HashtableOfObject typeRefCache; protected HashtableOfObject unknownRefCache; protected CompilationUnitStructureRequestor(ICompilationUnit unit, CompilationUnitElementInfo unitInfo, Map newElements) throws JavaModelException { this.fUnit = unit; this.fUnitInfo = unitInfo; this.fNewElements = newElements; this.fSourceFileName = unit.getElementName().toCharArray(); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[] name, boolean onDemand) { JavaElementInfo parentInfo = (JavaElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); JavaElement parentHandle= (JavaElement)fHandleStack.peek(); if (!(parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT)) { Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen } ICompilationUnit parentCU= (ICompilationUnit)parentHandle; //create the import container and its info ImportContainer importContainer= parentCU.getImportContainer(); if (fImportContainerInfo == null) { fImportContainerInfo= new JavaElementInfo(); fImportContainerInfo.setIsStructureKnown(true); parentInfo.addChild(importContainer); fNewElements.put(importContainer, fImportContainerInfo); } // tack on the '.*' if it is onDemand String importName; if (onDemand) { importName= new String(name) + ".*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { importName= new String(name); } ImportDeclaration handle = new ImportDeclaration(importContainer, importName); // ImportDeclaration handle = new ImportDeclaration(null, importName); // resolveDuplicates(handle); SourceRefElementInfo info = new SourceRefElementInfo(); info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationStart); info.setSourceRangeEnd(declarationEnd); fImportContainerInfo.addChild(handle); fNewElements.put(handle, info); } /* * Table of line separator position. This table is passed once at the end * of the parse action, so as to allow computation of normalized ranges. * * A line separator might corresponds to several characters in the source, * */ public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) { } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ //public void acceptPackage(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[] name) { // // JavaElementInfo parentInfo = (JavaElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); // JavaElement parentHandle= (JavaElement)fHandleStack.peek(); // IPackageDeclaration handle = null; // fPackageName= name; // // if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT) { // handle = new PackageDeclaration((ICompilationUnit) parentHandle, new String(name)); // } // else { // Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen // } // resolveDuplicates(handle); // // SourceRefElementInfo info = new SourceRefElementInfo(); // info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationStart); // info.setSourceRangeEnd(declarationEnd); // // parentInfo.addChild(handle); // fNewElements.put(handle, info); // //} public void acceptProblem(IProblem problem) { if ((problem.getID() & IProblem.Syntax) != 0) { this.hasSyntaxErrors = true; } } /** * Convert these type names to signatures. * @see Signature. */ /* default */ static String[] convertTypeNamesToSigs(char[][] typeNames) { if (typeNames == null) return fgEmptyStringArray; int n = typeNames.length; if (n == 0) return fgEmptyStringArray; String[] typeSigs = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { typeSigs[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(typeNames[i], false); } return typeSigs; } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterClass( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[] superclass, char[][] superinterfaces) { enterType(declarationStart, modifiers, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, superclass, superinterfaces); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterCompilationUnit() { fInfoStack = new Stack(); fHandleStack = new Stack(); fInfoStack.push(fUnitInfo); fHandleStack.push(fUnit); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterConstructor( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, char[][] exceptionTypes) { enterMethod( declarationStart, modifiers, null, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, parameterTypes, parameterNames, exceptionTypes, true); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterField(int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] type, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd) { SourceTypeElementInfo parentInfo = (SourceTypeElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); JavaElement parentHandle = (JavaElement) fHandleStack.peek(); IField handle = null; if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) { handle = new SourceField(parentHandle, new String(name)); } else { Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen } resolveDuplicates(handle); SourceFieldElementInfo info = new SourceFieldElementInfo(); info.setName(name); info.setNameSourceStart(nameSourceStart); info.setNameSourceEnd(nameSourceEnd); info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationStart); info.setFlags(modifiers); info.setTypeName(type); parentInfo.addChild(handle); fNewElements.put(handle, info); fInfoStack.push(info); fHandleStack.push(handle); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ //public void enterInitializer( // int declarationSourceStart, // int modifiers) { // JavaElementInfo parentInfo = (JavaElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); // JavaElement parentHandle= (JavaElement)fHandleStack.peek(); // IInitializer handle = null; // // if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) { // handle = ((IType) parentHandle).getInitializer(1); // } // else { // Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen // } // resolveDuplicates(handle); // // InitializerElementInfo info = new InitializerElementInfo(); // info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationSourceStart); // info.setFlags(modifiers); // // parentInfo.addChild(handle); // fNewElements.put(handle, info); // // fInfoStack.push(info); // fHandleStack.push(handle); //} /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterInterface( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] superinterfaces) { enterType(declarationStart, modifiers, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, null, superinterfaces); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterMethod( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] returnType, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, char[][] exceptionTypes) { enterMethod( declarationStart, modifiers, returnType, name, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd, parameterTypes, parameterNames, exceptionTypes, false); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ protected void enterMethod( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] returnType, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, char[][] parameterNames, char[][] exceptionTypes, boolean isConstructor) { SourceTypeElementInfo parentInfo = null; try { parentInfo = (SourceTypeElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // parentInfo = null; } JavaElement parentHandle = (JavaElement) fHandleStack.peek(); IMethod handle = null; // translate nulls to empty arrays if (parameterTypes == null) { parameterTypes = fgEmptyCharChar; } if (parameterNames == null) { parameterNames = fgEmptyCharChar; } if (exceptionTypes == null) { exceptionTypes = fgEmptyCharChar; } String[] parameterTypeSigs = convertTypeNamesToSigs(parameterTypes); // TODO : jsurfer changed // if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) { handle = new SourceMethod(parentHandle, new String(name), parameterTypeSigs); // } // else { // Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen // } resolveDuplicates(handle); SourceMethodElementInfo info = new SourceMethodElementInfo(); info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationStart); int flags = modifiers; info.setName(name); info.setNameSourceStart(nameSourceStart); info.setNameSourceEnd(nameSourceEnd); info.setConstructor(isConstructor); info.setFlags(flags); info.setArgumentNames(parameterNames); info.setArgumentTypeNames(parameterTypes); info.setReturnType(returnType == null ? new char[] { 'v', 'o', 'i', 'd' } : returnType); info.setExceptionTypeNames(exceptionTypes); if (parentInfo == null) { fUnitInfo.addChild(handle); } else { parentInfo.addChild(handle); } fNewElements.put(handle, info); fInfoStack.push(info); fHandleStack.push(handle); } /** * Common processing for classes and interfaces. */ protected void enterType( int declarationStart, int modifiers, char[] name, int nameSourceStart, int nameSourceEnd, char[] superclass, char[][] superinterfaces) { char[] enclosingTypeName = null; char[] qualifiedName = null; JavaElementInfo parentInfo = (JavaElementInfo) fInfoStack.peek(); JavaElement parentHandle = (JavaElement) fHandleStack.peek(); IType handle = null; String nameString = new String(name); if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT) { handle = ((ICompilationUnit) parentHandle).getType(nameString); if (fPackageName == null) { qualifiedName = nameString.toCharArray(); } else { qualifiedName = (new String(fPackageName) + "." + nameString).toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (parentHandle.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) { handle = ((IType) parentHandle).getType(nameString); enclosingTypeName = ((SourceTypeElementInfo) parentInfo).getName(); qualifiedName = (new String(((SourceTypeElementInfo) parentInfo).getQualifiedName()) + "." + nameString).toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { Assert.isTrue(false); // Should not happen } resolveDuplicates(handle); SourceTypeElementInfo info = new SourceTypeElementInfo(); info.setHandle(handle); info.setSourceRangeStart(declarationStart); info.setFlags(modifiers); info.setName(name); info.setNameSourceStart(nameSourceStart); info.setNameSourceEnd(nameSourceEnd); info.setSuperclassName(superclass); info.setSuperInterfaceNames(superinterfaces); info.setEnclosingTypeName(enclosingTypeName); info.setSourceFileName(fSourceFileName); info.setPackageName(fPackageName); info.setQualifiedName(qualifiedName); // for (Iterator iter = fNewElements.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ // Object object = iter.next(); // if (object instanceof IImportDeclaration) // info.addImport(((IImportDeclaration)object).getElementName().toCharArray()); // } parentInfo.addChild(handle); fNewElements.put(handle, info); fInfoStack.push(info); fHandleStack.push(handle); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitClass(int declarationEnd) { exitMember(declarationEnd); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) { fUnitInfo.setSourceLength(declarationEnd + 1); // determine if there were any parsing errors fUnitInfo.setIsStructureKnown(!this.hasSyntaxErrors); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) { exitMember(declarationEnd); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitField(int initializationStart, int declarationEnd, int declarationSourceEnd) { SourceFieldElementInfo info = (SourceFieldElementInfo) fInfoStack.pop(); info.setSourceRangeEnd(declarationSourceEnd); // remember initializer source if field is a constant if (initializationStart != -1) { int flags = info.flags; Object typeInfo; if (Flags.isStatic(flags) && Flags.isFinal(flags) || ((typeInfo = fInfoStack.peek()) instanceof SourceTypeElementInfo && (Flags.isInterface(((SourceTypeElementInfo)typeInfo).flags)))) { int length = declarationEnd - initializationStart; if (length > 0) { char[] initializer = new char[length]; System.arraycopy(this.parser.scanner.source, initializationStart, initializer, 0, length); info.initializationSource = initializer; } } } fHandleStack.pop(); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitInitializer(int declarationEnd) { exitMember(declarationEnd); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitInterface(int declarationEnd) { exitMember(declarationEnd); } /** * common processing for classes and interfaces */ protected void exitMember(int declarationEnd) { SourceRefElementInfo info = (SourceRefElementInfo) fInfoStack.pop(); info.setSourceRangeEnd(declarationEnd); fHandleStack.pop(); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd) { exitMember(declarationEnd); } /** * Resolves duplicate handles by incrementing the occurrence count * of the handle being created until there is no conflict. */ protected void resolveDuplicates(IJavaElement handle) { while (fNewElements.containsKey(handle)) { JavaElement h = (JavaElement) handle; h.setOccurrenceCount(h.getOccurrenceCount() + 1); } } }