<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!-- Schema file written by PDE --> <schema targetNamespace="net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.monitor.ui"> <annotation> <appInfo> <meta.schema plugin="net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.monitor.ui" id="viewers" name="Content Viewers"/> </appInfo> <documentation> This extension point is used to provide a viewer for a specific type of content. (e.g. a viewer for a particular image format) </documentation> </annotation> <element name="extension"> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="viewer" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="id" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> an optional identifier of the extension instance </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="name" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> an optional name of the extension instance </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="viewer"> <annotation> <appInfo> <meta.element labelAttribute="name"/> </appInfo> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> </sequence> <attribute name="id" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> specifies a unique identifier for this extension point </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="class" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that implements <samp>IContentViewer</samp> </documentation> <appInfo> <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.wtp.server.core.model.IStartup"/> </appInfo> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="label" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> a translatable name used to identify the content viewer </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="type" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <annotation> <appInfo> <meta.section type="examples"/> </appInfo> <documentation> The following is an example of a content viewer extension point: <p> <pre> <extension point="net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.monitor.ui.viewers"> <viewer id="com.example.byteviewer" class="com.example.ByteContentViewer" type="requestresponse" label="%byteView"/> </extension> </pre> </p> </documentation> </annotation> <annotation> <appInfo> <meta.section type="apiInfo"/> </appInfo> <documentation> Value of the attribute <b>class</b> must be a fully qualified name of a Java class that implements the interface <b>net.sourceforge.phpdt.monitor.ui.IContentViewer</b>. </documentation> </annotation> <annotation> <appInfo> <meta.section type="copyright"/> </appInfo> <documentation> Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.<br> All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html">http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html</a> </documentation> </annotation> </schema>