Author: jparrai
Date: 28-03-2003
Subject: Making a Quantumdb connexion
To connect to a database (create a bookmark in quantum) you use the New Bookmark menu item that appears
when right-clicking on the blank space in the Database Bookmarks view.
The data that the form asks of you is:
- Bookmark name: Is your private name of the bookmark you
are creating. It will appear in the view after is created. For example Test.
- Username: The username for accessing the database. For
example SCOTT for the classical Oracle
- Password: The password for that username. For example
TIGER for the SCOTT user. If you leave the
password blank, it'll ask you for it when connection is attempted.This behaviour
can be customized.
- Schema: (optional): The schema of the user. We can leave
it blank.
- Connect: Connect string, the format is (for Oracle) jdbc:[database]:[type]:@[host]:[port]:[database],
for example, for an Oracle database called DEV based on the same computer
you could put jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:DEV.
- Driver: The driver name, it should be in the documentation
of the JDBC driver. For Oracle, is usually oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver or oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver (Oracle before
version 9)
- Type: The type of the database. It will be used by Quantum
to adapt the SQL queries to the particular incompatibilites of each. The generic
should work for most of the features, so if you don't find your database on
the drop-down, use the Generic SQL.
- Driver Filename: You can select the .jar or .zip file where the driver is located. For
example in Oracle is usually at C:\Oracle\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar, being C:\Oracle
the installation directory of oracle.
Other examples (only as orientation, your particular data may be
For MySql (in Windows):
Connect: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Driver Filename: C:\mysql\jdbc\mysql-connector-java-2.0.4-bin.jar
For PostgreSql (in Linux):
Connect: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/emsdevel
Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
driver filename: /opt/postgresql/share/java/postgresql.jar