/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.util.LRUCache; /** * The OverflowingLRUCache is an LRUCache which attempts * to maintain a size equal or less than its fSpaceLimit * by removing the least recently used elements. * *

The cache will remove elements which successfully close and all * elements which are explicitly removed. * *

If the cache cannot remove enough old elements to add new elements * it will grow beyond fSpaceLimit. Later, it will attempt to * shink back to the maximum space limit. * * The method close should attempt to close the element. If * the element is successfully closed it will return true and the element will * be removed from the cache. Otherwise the element will remain in the cache. * *

The cache implicitly attempts shrinks on calls to putand * setSpaceLimit. Explicitly calling the shrink method * will also cause the cache to attempt to shrink. * *

The cache calculates the used space of all elements which implement * ILRUCacheable. All other elements are assumed to be of size one. * *

Use the #peek(Object) and #disableTimestamps() method to * circumvent the timestamp feature of the cache. This feature is intended to be used * only when the #close(LRUCacheEntry) method causes changes to the cache. * For example, if a parent closes its children when #close(LRUCacheEntry) is called, * it should be careful not to change the LRU linked list. It can be sure it is not causing * problems by calling #peek(Object) instead of #get(Object) method. * * @see LRUCache */ public abstract class OverflowingLRUCache extends LRUCache { /** * Indicates if the cache has been over filled and by how much. */ protected int fOverflow = 0; /** * Indicates whether or not timestamps should be updated */ protected boolean fTimestampsOn = true; /** * Indicates how much space should be reclaimed when the cache overflows. * Inital load factor of one third. */ protected double fLoadFactor = 0.333; /** * Creates a OverflowingLRUCache. * @param size Size limit of cache. */ public OverflowingLRUCache(int size) { this(size, 0); } /** * Creates a OverflowingLRUCache. * @param size Size limit of cache. * @param overflow Size of the overflow. */ public OverflowingLRUCache(int size, int overflow) { super(size); fOverflow = overflow; } /** * Returns a new cache containing the same contents. * * @return New copy of this object. */ public Object clone() { OverflowingLRUCache newCache = (OverflowingLRUCache)newInstance(fSpaceLimit, fOverflow); LRUCacheEntry qEntry; /* Preserve order of entries by copying from oldest to newest */ qEntry = this.fEntryQueueTail; while (qEntry != null) { newCache.privateAdd (qEntry._fKey, qEntry._fValue, qEntry._fSpace); qEntry = qEntry._fPrevious; } return newCache; } /** * Returns true if the element is successfully closed and * removed from the cache, otherwise false. * *

NOTE: this triggers an external remove from the cache * by closing the obejct. * */ protected abstract boolean close(LRUCacheEntry entry); /** * Returns an enumerator of the values in the cache with the most * recently used first. */ public Enumeration elements() { if (fEntryQueue == null) return new LRUCacheEnumerator(null); LRUCacheEnumerator.LRUEnumeratorElement head = new LRUCacheEnumerator.LRUEnumeratorElement(fEntryQueue._fValue); LRUCacheEntry currentEntry = fEntryQueue._fNext; LRUCacheEnumerator.LRUEnumeratorElement currentElement = head; while(currentEntry != null) { currentElement.fNext = new LRUCacheEnumerator.LRUEnumeratorElement(currentEntry._fValue); currentElement = currentElement.fNext; currentEntry = currentEntry._fNext; } return new LRUCacheEnumerator(head); } public double fillingRatio() { return (fCurrentSpace + fOverflow) * 100.0 / fSpaceLimit; } /** * For internal testing only. * This method exposed only for testing purposes! * * @return Hashtable of entries */ public java.util.Hashtable getEntryTable() { return fEntryTable; } /** * Returns the load factor for the cache. The load factor determines how * much space is reclaimed when the cache exceeds its space limit. * @return double */ public double getLoadFactor() { return fLoadFactor; } /** * @return The space by which the cache has overflown. */ public int getOverflow() { return fOverflow; } /** * Ensures there is the specified amount of free space in the receiver, * by removing old entries if necessary. Returns true if the requested space was * made available, false otherwise. May not be able to free enough space * since some elements cannot be removed until they are saved. * * @param space Amount of space to free up */ protected boolean makeSpace(int space) { int limit = fSpaceLimit; if (fOverflow == 0) { /* if space is already available */ if (fCurrentSpace + space <= limit) { return true; } } /* Free up space by removing oldest entries */ int spaceNeeded = (int)((1 - fLoadFactor) * fSpaceLimit); spaceNeeded = (spaceNeeded > space) ? spaceNeeded : space; LRUCacheEntry entry = fEntryQueueTail; while (fCurrentSpace + spaceNeeded > limit && entry != null) { this.privateRemoveEntry(entry, false, false); entry = entry._fPrevious; } /* check again, since we may have aquired enough space */ if (fCurrentSpace + space <= limit) { fOverflow = 0; return true; } /* update fOverflow */ fOverflow = fCurrentSpace + space - limit; return false; } /** * Returns a new instance of the reciever. */ protected abstract LRUCache newInstance(int size, int overflow); /** * Answers the value in the cache at the given key. * If the value is not in the cache, returns null * * This function does not modify timestamps. */ public Object peek(Object key) { LRUCacheEntry entry = (LRUCacheEntry) fEntryTable.get(key); if (entry == null) { return null; } return entry._fValue; } /** * For testing purposes only */ public void printStats() { int forwardListLength = 0; LRUCacheEntry entry = fEntryQueue; while(entry != null) { forwardListLength++; entry = entry._fNext; } System.out.println("Forward length: " + forwardListLength); //$NON-NLS-1$ int backwardListLength = 0; entry = fEntryQueueTail; while(entry != null) { backwardListLength++; entry = entry._fPrevious; } System.out.println("Backward length: " + backwardListLength); //$NON-NLS-1$ Enumeration keys = fEntryTable.keys(); class Temp { public Class fClass; public int fCount; public Temp(Class aClass) { fClass = aClass; fCount = 1; } public String toString() { return "Class: " + fClass + " has " + fCount + " entries."; //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-1$ } } java.util.HashMap h = new java.util.HashMap(); while(keys.hasMoreElements()) { entry = (LRUCacheEntry)fEntryTable.get(keys.nextElement()); Class key = entry._fValue.getClass(); Temp t = (Temp)h.get(key); if (t == null) { h.put(key, new Temp(key)); } else { t.fCount++; } } for (Iterator iter = h.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ System.out.println(h.get(iter.next())); } } /** * Removes the entry from the entry queue. * Calls privateRemoveEntry with the external functionality enabled. * * @param shuffle indicates whether we are just shuffling the queue * (in which case, the entry table is not modified). */ protected void privateRemoveEntry (LRUCacheEntry entry, boolean shuffle) { privateRemoveEntry(entry, shuffle, true); } /** * Removes the entry from the entry queue. If external is true, the entry is removed * without checking if it can be removed. It is assumed that the client has already closed * the element it is trying to remove (or will close it promptly). * * If external is false, and the entry could not be closed, it is not removed and the * pointers are not changed. * * @param shuffle indicates whether we are just shuffling the queue * (in which case, the entry table is not modified). */ protected void privateRemoveEntry(LRUCacheEntry entry, boolean shuffle, boolean external) { if (!shuffle) { if (external) { fEntryTable.remove(entry._fKey); fCurrentSpace -= entry._fSpace; privateNotifyDeletionFromCache(entry); } else { if (!close(entry)) return; // buffer close will recursively call #privateRemoveEntry with external==true // thus entry will already be removed if reaching this point. if (fEntryTable.get(entry._fKey) == null){ return; } else { // basic removal fEntryTable.remove(entry._fKey); fCurrentSpace -= entry._fSpace; privateNotifyDeletionFromCache(entry); } } } LRUCacheEntry previous = entry._fPrevious; LRUCacheEntry next = entry._fNext; /* if this was the first entry */ if (previous == null) { fEntryQueue = next; } else { previous._fNext = next; } /* if this was the last entry */ if (next == null) { fEntryQueueTail = previous; } else { next._fPrevious = previous; } } /** * Sets the value in the cache at the given key. Returns the value. * * @param key Key of object to add. * @param value Value of object to add. * @return added value. */ public Object put(Object key, Object value) { /* attempt to rid ourselves of the overflow, if there is any */ if (fOverflow > 0) shrink(); /* Check whether there's an entry in the cache */ int newSpace = spaceFor (key, value); LRUCacheEntry entry = (LRUCacheEntry) fEntryTable.get (key); if (entry != null) { /** * Replace the entry in the cache if it would not overflow * the cache. Otherwise flush the entry and re-add it so as * to keep cache within budget */ int oldSpace = entry._fSpace; int newTotal = fCurrentSpace - oldSpace + newSpace; if (newTotal <= fSpaceLimit) { updateTimestamp (entry); entry._fValue = value; entry._fSpace = newSpace; fCurrentSpace = newTotal; fOverflow = 0; return value; } else { privateRemoveEntry (entry, false, false); } } // attempt to make new space makeSpace(newSpace); // add without worring about space, it will // be handled later in a makeSpace call privateAdd (key, value, newSpace); return value; } /** * Removes and returns the value in the cache for the given key. * If the key is not in the cache, returns null. * * @param key Key of object to remove from cache. * @return Value removed from cache. */ public Object remove(Object key) { return removeKey(key); } /** * Sets the load factor for the cache. The load factor determines how * much space is reclaimed when the cache exceeds its space limit. * @param newLoadFactor double * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the new load factor is not in (0.0, 1.0] */ public void setLoadFactor(double newLoadFactor) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(newLoadFactor <= 1.0 && newLoadFactor > 0.0) fLoadFactor = newLoadFactor; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(Util.bind("cache.invalidLoadFactor")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Sets the maximum amount of space that the cache can store * * @param limit Number of units of cache space */ public void setSpaceLimit(int limit) { if (limit < fSpaceLimit) { makeSpace(fSpaceLimit - limit); } fSpaceLimit = limit; } /** * Attempts to shrink the cache if it has overflown. * Returns true if the cache shrinks to less than or equal to fSpaceLimit. */ public boolean shrink() { if (fOverflow > 0) return makeSpace(0); return true; } /** * Returns a String that represents the value of this object. This method * is for debugging purposes only. */ public String toString() { return "OverflowingLRUCache " + this.fillingRatio() + "% full\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ this.toStringContents(); } /** * Updates the timestamp for the given entry, ensuring that the queue is * kept in correct order. The entry must exist. * *

This method will do nothing if timestamps have been disabled. */ protected void updateTimestamp(LRUCacheEntry entry) { if (fTimestampsOn) { entry._fTimestamp = fTimestampCounter++; if (fEntryQueue != entry) { this.privateRemoveEntry(entry, true); this.privateAddEntry(entry, true); } } } }