package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.debug.core.model; /* * Created on 17.04.2004 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments */ /** * @author Chris Admin * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments */ import java.util.Vector; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.debug.core.PHPDebugCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException; /** * */ public class PHPDBGEvalString { String workStr; private PHPStackFrame fStackFrame; /** * */ public PHPDBGEvalString (PHPStackFrame stack, String dataStr) { fStackFrame = stack; workStr = dataStr; } /** * * @param chstart * @param chend * @param startIdx * @return */ String ExtractSubStr (char chstart, char chend, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int idx; int i; String rslt; Status status; idx = startIdx; if (idx >= (workStr.length () - 1) || workStr.charAt (idx) != chstart) { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "worng startIdx!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } i = ++idx; i = workStr.indexOf(chend, i); if (i == -1) { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "endchar not found!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } rslt = workStr.substring (idx, i); workStr = workStr.substring (i + 1); return rslt; } /** * @param slen * @param startIdx * @return */ String ExtractQuotedSubStr (int slen, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int idx; String rslt; Status status; idx = startIdx; if ((idx + slen + 1) >= workStr.length () || workStr.charAt (idx)!= '"' || workStr.charAt (idx + slen + 1) != '"') { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "no quoted substring found!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } rslt = workStr.substring (idx + 1, idx + 1 + slen); workStr = workStr.substring (idx + 2 + slen); return rslt; } /** * * @param chstart * @param chend * @apram startIdx * @return */ int ExtractInt (char chstart, char chend, int startIdx) throws DebugException { String subs; int rslt; subs = ExtractSubStr (chstart, chend, startIdx); return (Integer.parseInt (subs)); } /** * @param name * @param parent * @param list The list of PHPVariables * @param var_list * @param classname * @param atype The type of the variable (Either PEVT_ARRAY or PEVT_OBJECT) * @return */ PHPVariable ParseEvalArray (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, String classname, int atype) throws DebugException { long arritems; // The number of items (or fields or entries) for the array (or short, array size) PHPVariable item; Vector subitems = null; Status status; arritems = ExtractInt (':', ':', 0); // Get the number of items/fields for the array // E.g. :12: means there are 12 entries in array if ((workStr.length () > 0) && // Is there still something to parse? (workStr.charAt (0) != '{')) { // And the next character is not a '{', then output an error status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "no array startcharacter!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } workStr = workStr.substring (1); // Remove the '{' item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, classname, atype, null); // Create a new (empty) PHPVariable list.add (item); // Add the newly created PHPVariable to list if (var_list != null) { // var_list.add (item); // Add the PHPVariable also to the var_list } if (arritems > 0) { // If the array is not empty subitems = new Vector (); // Create a new child variable list for the array } else if (workStr.charAt (0) != '}') { // If the array is empty the next character has to be '}' status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "no array endcharacter!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } while ((workStr.length () > 0) && // Is there still something to parse? (workStr.charAt (0) != '}')) { // And the next character is not '}' Vector tmplst = new Vector (); // Create a temporary list parse ("", null, tmplst, null, false, 0); // And parse the string for the array's name. if (tmplst.size () != 1) { // Parsing should return exactly on entry (which is the name) status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "no name found!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } // Go for the array values parse (((PHPVariable) tmplst.elementAt (0)).getValue ().getValueString (), item, subitems, var_list, true, 0); } ((PHPValue) item.getValue ()).addVariable (subitems); // Append the list of all child variables to this PHPVariables PHPValue workStr = workStr.substring (1); // Remove the '}' return item; // And return the PHPVariable we just build } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ void ParseEvalNULL (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int idx; PHPVariable item; Status status; idx = startIdx; if ((idx >= workStr.length ()) || (workStr.charAt (idx) != ';')) { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "NULL not found!", null); throw new DebugException(status); } workStr = workStr.substring (1); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, "NULL", PHPValue.PEVT_UNKNOWN, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalInt (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { String subs; PHPVariable item; subs = ExtractSubStr (':', ';', startIdx); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, subs, PHPValue.PEVT_LONG, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalDouble (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { String subs; PHPVariable item; subs = ExtractSubStr (':', ';', startIdx); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, subs, PHPValue.PEVT_DOUBLE, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param MakePhpStr * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalString (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, boolean MakePhpStr, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int slen; Status status; String subs; PHPVariable item; slen = ExtractInt( ':', ':',startIdx); if ((workStr.length () <= slen) || (workStr.charAt (0) != '"')) { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (), Status.OK, "no String startcharecter!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } workStr = workStr.substring (1); subs = workStr.substring (0, slen); // replace \\ with \ subs = subs.replaceAll ("\\\\\\\\","\\\\"); if (workStr.charAt (slen) != '"') { status = new Status (Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier (),Status.OK, "no String endcharecter!", null); throw new DebugException (status); } workStr = workStr.substring (slen + 2); /* if (MakePhpStr) { ConvertToPhpString(subs, &subs); } */ item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, subs, PHPValue.PEVT_STRING, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalBool (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { long v; PHPVariable item; v = ExtractInt (':', ';', startIdx); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, (v==0) ? ("FALSE") : ("TRUE"), PHPValue.PEVT_BOOLEAN, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalObject (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int slen; String classname; slen = ExtractInt (':', ':', startIdx); classname = ExtractQuotedSubStr (slen, startIdx); if ((int) classname.length () != slen) { return false; } ParseEvalArray (name,parent, list, var_list, classname,PHPValue.PEVT_OBJECT); return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalResource (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, int startIdx) throws DebugException { PHPVariable item; int slen; String restype; String val; slen = ExtractInt (':', ':', startIdx); restype = ExtractQuotedSubStr (slen, startIdx); val = ExtractSubStr (':', ';', startIdx); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, restype + ":" + val, PHPValue.PEVT_RESOURCE, null); list.add (item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @param name * @param parent * @param list * @param var_list * @param startIdx */ boolean ParseEvalRef (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, boolean isSoftRef, int startIdx) throws DebugException { int v; PHPVariable item; PHPVariable var_item; v = ExtractInt(':', ';',startIdx); item = new PHPVariable (fStackFrame, name, parent, "", (isSoftRef) ? (PHPValue.PEVT_SOFTREF) : (PHPValue.PEVT_REF), null); v--; // ref ID is 1-based, EvalList is 0-based if ((var_list == null) || (v < 0) || (v >= var_list.size ())) { // item.ref = item; // self-resolving // return true; } else { var_item = (PHPVariable) var_list.get (v); try { item.setValue (var_item.getValue ()); item.setReferenceType (var_item.getReferenceType ()); ((PHPValue) item.getValue ()).setParent (item); } catch (DebugException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace (); } list.add (item); } return true; } /** * * @return The array of PHPVariables */ public PHPVariable[] getVars () { Vector list = new Vector (); Vector var_list = new Vector (); parse ("", null, list, var_list, false, 0); return (PHPVariable[]) list.toArray (new PHPVariable[list.size ()]); // Convert the list to an array and return the array } /** * * @return The PHPVariables as list */ public Vector getVariables () { Vector list = new Vector (); Vector var_list = new Vector (); parse ("", null, list, var_list, false, 0); return list; // return the PHPVariable list } /** * * * * @param name The name of the PHPVariable * @param parent The PHPVariable to which this parsing belongs * @param list * @param var_list * @param MakePhpStr * @param startIdx */ boolean parse (String name, PHPVariable parent, Vector list, Vector var_list, boolean MakePhpStr, int startIdx) { boolean ret_val = false; char ch; if (startIdx >= workStr.length ()) { // Is there something to parse return false; // No, then leave here } ch = workStr.charAt (startIdx); // The first character denotes the type of variable workStr = workStr.substring (1); // Remove the 'variable type' character try { switch (ch) { // Switch according the 'variable type' case 'N': ParseEvalNULL (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 'i': ParseEvalInt (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 'd': ParseEvalDouble (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 's': ParseEvalString (name, parent, list, var_list, MakePhpStr, startIdx); break; case 'a': ParseEvalArray (name, parent, list, var_list, "", PHPValue.PEVT_ARRAY); break; case 'O': ParseEvalObject (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 'b': ParseEvalBool (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 'z': ParseEvalResource (name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; case 'R': ParseEvalRef (name, parent, list, var_list, false, startIdx); break; case 'r': ParseEvalRef (name, parent, list, var_list, true, startIdx); break; case '?': ParseEvalUnknown(name, parent, list, var_list, startIdx); break; } } catch (DebugException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } /* if (!ret_val) { // try to recover unsigned int i=*startIdx; while (i= workStr.length()) || (workStr.charAt(startIdx) != ';')) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, PHPDebugCorePlugin .getUniqueIdentifier(), Status.OK, "unexpected response", null); throw new DebugException(status); } workStr = workStr.substring(1); PHPVariable item = new PHPVariable(fStackFrame, name, parent, "?", PHPValue.PEVT_UNKNOWN, null); list.add(item); if (var_list != null) { var_list.add(item); } } }