/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.dnd; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem; import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer; /** * A drag and drop adapter to be used together with structured viewers. * The adapater delegates the dragEnter, dragOperationChanged * , dragOver and dropAccept method to the * validateDrop method. Furthermore it adds location feedback. */ public class JdtViewerDropAdapter implements DropTargetListener { /** * Constant describing the position of the mouse cursor relative * to the target object. This means the mouse is positioned * slightly before the target. */ protected static final int LOCATION_BEFORE= 1; /** * Constant describing the position of the mouse cursor relative * to the target object. This means the mouse is positioned * slightly after the target. */ protected static final int LOCATION_AFTER= 2; /** * Constant describing the position of the mouse cursor relative * to the target object. This means the mouse is positioned * directly on the target. */ protected static final int LOCATION_ON= 3; /** * Constant describing the position of the mouse cursor relative * to the target object. This means the mouse is not positioned * over or near any valid target. */ protected static final int LOCATION_NONE= 4; /** * The threshold used to determine if the mouse is before or after * an item. */ private static final int LOCATION_EPSILON= 5; /** * Style to enable location feedback. */ public static final int INSERTION_FEEDBACK= 1 << 1; private StructuredViewer fViewer; private int fFeedback; private boolean fShowInsertionFeedback; private int fRequestedOperation; private int fLastOperation; protected int fLocation; protected Object fTarget; public JdtViewerDropAdapter(StructuredViewer viewer, int feedback) { fViewer= viewer; Assert.isNotNull(fViewer); fFeedback= feedback; fLastOperation= -1; } /** * Controls whether the drop adapter shows insertion feedback or not. * * @param showInsertionFeedback true if the drop adapter is supposed * to show insertion feedback. Otherwise false */ public void showInsertionFeedback(boolean showInsertionFeedback) { fShowInsertionFeedback= showInsertionFeedback; } /** * Returns the viewer this adapter is working on. */ protected StructuredViewer getViewer() { return fViewer; } //---- Hooks to override ----------------------------------------------------- /** * The actual drop has occurred. Calls drop(Object target, DropTargetEvent event) * . * @see DropTargetListener#drop(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent) */ public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) { drop(fTarget, event); } /** * The actual drop has occurred. * @param target the drop target in form of a domain element. * @param event the drop traget event */ public void drop(Object target, DropTargetEvent event) { } /** * Checks if the drop is valid. The method calls validateDrop * (Object target, DropTargetEvent event). Implementors can alter the * currentDataType field and the detail field * to give feedback about drop acceptence. */ public void validateDrop(DropTargetEvent event) { validateDrop(fTarget, event, fRequestedOperation); } /** * Checks if the drop on the current target is valid. The method * can alter the currentDataType field and the * detail field to give feedback about drop acceptence. * @param target the drop target in form of a domain element. * @param event the drop traget event * @param operation the operation requested by the user. */ public void validateDrop(Object target, DropTargetEvent event, int operation) { } public void dragEnter(DropTargetEvent event) { dragOperationChanged(event); } public void dragLeave(DropTargetEvent event) { fTarget= null; fLocation= LOCATION_NONE; } public void dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent event) { fRequestedOperation= event.detail; fTarget= computeTarget(event); fLocation= computeLocation(event); validateDrop(event); fLastOperation= event.detail; computeFeedback(event); } public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) { Object oldTarget= fTarget; fTarget= computeTarget(event); //set the location feedback int oldLocation= fLocation; fLocation= computeLocation(event); if (oldLocation != fLocation || oldTarget != fTarget || fLastOperation != event.detail) { validateDrop(event); fLastOperation= event.detail; } else { event.detail= fLastOperation; } computeFeedback(event); } public void dropAccept(DropTargetEvent event) { fTarget= computeTarget(event); validateDrop(event); fLastOperation= event.detail; } /** * Returns the data held by event.item. Inside a viewer * this corresponds to the items data model element. */ protected Object computeTarget(DropTargetEvent event) { return event.item == null ? null : event.item.getData(); } /** * Returns the position of the given coordinates relative to the given target. * The position is determined to be before, after, or on the item, based on * some threshold value. The return value is one of the LOCATION_* constants * defined in this class. */ final protected int computeLocation(DropTargetEvent event) { if (!(event.item instanceof Item)) return LOCATION_NONE; Item item= (Item) event.item; Point coordinates= fViewer.getControl().toControl(new Point(event.x, event.y)); Rectangle bounds= getBounds(item); if (bounds == null) { return LOCATION_NONE; } if ((coordinates.y - bounds.y) < LOCATION_EPSILON) { return LOCATION_BEFORE; } if ((bounds.y + bounds.height - coordinates.y) < LOCATION_EPSILON) { return LOCATION_AFTER; } return LOCATION_ON; } /** * Returns the bounds of the given item, or null if it is not a * valid type of item. */ private Rectangle getBounds(Item item) { if (item instanceof TreeItem) return ((TreeItem) item).getBounds(); if (item instanceof TableItem) return ((TableItem) item).getBounds(0); return null; } /** * Sets the drag under feedback corresponding to the value of fLocation * and the INSERTION_FEEDBACK style bit. */ protected void computeFeedback(DropTargetEvent event) { if (!fShowInsertionFeedback && fLocation != LOCATION_NONE) { event.feedback= DND.FEEDBACK_SELECT; } else { if (fLocation == LOCATION_BEFORE) { event.feedback= DND.FEEDBACK_INSERT_BEFORE; } else if (fLocation == LOCATION_AFTER) { event.feedback= DND.FEEDBACK_INSERT_AFTER; } } event.feedback|= fFeedback; } /** * Sets the drop operation to DROP_NODE. */ protected void clearDropOperation(DropTargetEvent event) { event.detail= DND.DROP_NONE; } /** * Returns the requested drop operation. */ protected int getRequestedOperation() { return fRequestedOperation; } }